Tuesday, November 22, 2022

What A Jew Did In A Low Income Non-Jewish Black Community

 There are plenty of Jews in this world that are decent, hardworking people. But to the racist, bigoted Jew hater, regardless of their race or religion or the race of the Jew, the Jew can only be seen as demonic. 

There is a retired Jewish public school teacher whose only ambition was to teach in inner city schools with populations most in need. He taught in a school in one of the most crime ridden, poverty stricken communities in Chicago and United States. It was an area that included what was then the largest public housing project in the United States. 

After his day teaching in a public school, he ran an after school reading and math program funded primarily from his school teacher salary. He rented space to run the program. He provided the children and teenagers that attended the after school program with the learning materials they needed. It was a reading and math program; a ramp to lead children and youth out of poverty and into a better life. 

He ran this program for years. His brother was a cop that walked a beat in the same area. Serving communities as public servants are strong values these brothers hold. Judaism places great value on service to others, regardless of religion, ethnicity or race. 

The brothers are retired. It would be of great benefit to the world for the school teacher to be recognized and properly funded so that he can start again the Ramp, reading and math program, all over the United States and elsewhere in impoverished communities. 

Instead, he remains in obscurity.   

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