Sunday, March 5, 2023

Electric Cars, Alternative Energies, Do Not Stop Environmental Destruction

 Even if all cars and trucks are electric, even if alternative energies replace fossil fuels, even if temperatures stop warming, even if the mining of the materials and use of the lands and waters needed for alternative energies, electric cars and trucks were completely harmless, which they are not, it will only delay, not stop, the environmental destruction disaster that is unfolding regardless of whether or not there is climate change. 

Electric vehicles and alternative energy buys time at best for the climate change crisis to recede in order for humankind to continue filling oceans with plastic and other nonbiodegradable trash, and to continue trashing, poisoning, and wiping out marine and land habitats and wildlife. Environmental destruction and degradation not only causes misery and suffering, but will eventually lead to our own extinction if it continues unchecked.  


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