Sunday, March 5, 2023

Plastic Pollution Disaster Is Not From A Failure To Educate

 The plastic trash disaster is not due to a failure of education. Billions of people the world over in developing countries are as dependent on plastic as are the people in developed countries. Unlike most of the people in developed countries, most of the people in developing countries completely lack proper waste management. They have no place to put their plastic trash except to burn it and release toxins into the air, or to dump it, including into streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. 

There are no garbage trucks driving through their neighborhoods picking up trash. Even if they are taught to not litter, what good does it do when there is nowhere to put their trash. If you tell a diabetic not to eat junk food, but that is the only food available, as is the case in many poor areas in developing countries, what good does educating the diabetic about proper nutrition when there are no alternatives to junk food?

The worldwide dependency on plastics, without worldwide proper waste management, is destroying our oceans and planet. 

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