Tuesday, May 23, 2023

YouTube And Profiteers That Demonize Jews

 Too often anti-Semitic garbage, or hatred against Jews, and the demonization of Jews and the Jews of Israel, can be found on Youtube, often with large and widespread audiences. When it comes to Israel, there is a difference between demonization of the people and legitamite criticism of the government. YouTube claims to be against the dissemination of hate, but the widespread antiSemitic garbage easily found on YouTube belies this claim.

Many people need a scapegoat. Many people need a target to demonize and blame. It is an enormous human weakness and form of evil.

Hate sells. The Jew has long been the target of hate, blame and demonization. Hate sells and hating, blaming and demonizing Jews sells and attracts audiences. Too often this means profitability is put above morality, ethics and decency.

Where hate and demonization leads is always disastrous. Not only do serious problems not get addressed, but the end of where it leads is always violence, war, misery, poverty, death and suffering.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Jew Hatred Keeps Corrupt People And Countries In Power, And the World Immersed In Misery

In the eyes of the Jew hater, outside of Israel, there is no poverty, no war, no violence, no oppression, no persecution, no envirnmental degradation, no problems, just paradise, and if there are, they are caused by the Jews. 

Many people need scapegoats. It is an enormous human weakness. It is a form of evil. It not only has caused enormous suffering to Jews themselves, but also to many others. The obsessive focus on hating and demonizing Jews ensures real suffering and problems, in their many different forms, never are addressed. 

Deranged, perverted men like Hitler use the Jew to obtain power. Countries use the Jew and Israel to deflect from their own persecutions, corruptions, perversions, greeds, evils and weaknesses.

Hatred and demonization keeps the world mired in misery.

YouTube Must Stop Being The Platform for the War And Hatred Against Jews To Continue

 YouTube claims to be against hatred, intolerance, the promotion of violence, incitement towards hatred and violence, but when it comes to the Jew and Israel, almost anything goes. Youtube is too often a platform and disseminator of hatred and violence against Jews and Israel far greater than anything Goebbels himself was able to acheive. 

People in the media and media outlets, including government owned medias, that do everything they can to demonize Jews and Israel and incite hatred against them, gain audiences and fortunes because hate sells. They may gain fame and fortune, but all they achieve is to keep the world drowning in misery, poverty, violence and hate. 

Nonprofits That Are Ineffective, Harm Or Exploit, Yet Continue To Be Protected

 Too often excuses are made for the inadequacies and failures of nonprofit organizations. Protecting and defending the nonprofit becomes more important than addressing the reasons and problems why the nonprofit exists in the first place. This creates an endless loop in which the problems persist and even become worse, the nonprofit continues to exist and even profit and grow from the existence and growth of the problems, and nothing fundamentally changes for the better. 

I first saw this when it came to animal cruelty and dog fighting, and how this was exploited by a number of people and organizations that use animal suffering to promote themselves. Their actual programs and interventions were and are not only ineffective, but actually cause harm. Later, I saw how many other serious problems, including in the realm of conservation, biodiversity, wildlife and wildlife protection, plastic pollution, addressing hatred and racism, poverty, animal welfare, child welfare and more are similiarly exploited and addressed by worthless, ineffective or even harmful organizations.

Nothing changes for the better, because protecting organizations, institutions, and select people takes priority over all else.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

War Against The Jew; Blame, Hate And Demonize

It is a human weakness, a human sickness, to hate, to scapegoat, to demonize, to blame. 

Live and let live simply does not exist. Too many people are at the throat of someone else. 

 Even if there were not a single Jew on this planet, someone else would be singled out for persecution. This has already played out in places where there are no Jews, and another vulnerable group considered different was persecuted. 

The Jew is humankind's oldest target of hate. Some Jew haters like to point out the frequency of persecution against Jews as proof that Jews are somehow worthy of this hate. They are too weak minded to see how wrong it is for anyone to need a target to hate and demonize. The fact is that  scapegoated and demonized people are vulnerable populations that far too often face persecution and genocide. It is a miracle in and of itself that Jews have survived as an often demonized, scapegoated minority and that they still exist to this day.

Weak minded Jew haters use the Jew in order to free themselves from responsibility. The Jew hater blames everything on the Jew. It gives a demented purpose to the Jew hater's life. Having a scapegoat to hate and demonize fulfills many people's darkest needs and desires.

The Jew haters casts themselves as the victim of the Jew. Even the weak minded demented Hitler blamed the Jew right to the end for all of his many failures, including his military failures and poor decisions, even though the Jews were a defenseless population that the Nazis and their collaborators murdered, tortured, raped, enslaved and robbed.

The Jew hater casts the Jew as demonic, even though it is the Jew hater that rapes, murders, enslaves, tortures and robs when given the opportunity.

To the Jew hater, the Jew is always guilty and always responsible for all things ugly and bad. If Jews are attacked, even murdered, including Israeli Jews, the Jew hater blames the Jew for their own murder and misfortune. Some Jew haters disguise their hatred, and substitute words like Zionist for Jew, believing this justifies the demonization of the Jews that live in Israel. They believe that by using the word Zionist instead of Jew, attacking and murdering the Jews of Israel, especially civilians, is acceptable, even laudable.

To the Jew hater, there is no such thing as personal responsibility. The Jew is always guilty, and always to blame, no matter what.

For these reasons, this ingrained and demented hate, the genocidal ambitions that did not end with WW2 continue. The war against the Jew continues.

One day, if all of the people of the middle east and everywhere in the world, see each other as human beings first, and do not diminish one another by virtue of ethnicity, race or religion, there will be hope and peace.