Tuesday, May 23, 2023

YouTube And Profiteers That Demonize Jews

 Too often anti-Semitic garbage, or hatred against Jews, and the demonization of Jews and the Jews of Israel, can be found on Youtube, often with large and widespread audiences. When it comes to Israel, there is a difference between demonization of the people and legitamite criticism of the government. YouTube claims to be against the dissemination of hate, but the widespread antiSemitic garbage easily found on YouTube belies this claim.

Many people need a scapegoat. Many people need a target to demonize and blame. It is an enormous human weakness and form of evil.

Hate sells. The Jew has long been the target of hate, blame and demonization. Hate sells and hating, blaming and demonizing Jews sells and attracts audiences. Too often this means profitability is put above morality, ethics and decency.

Where hate and demonization leads is always disastrous. Not only do serious problems not get addressed, but the end of where it leads is always violence, war, misery, poverty, death and suffering.

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