Saturday, May 20, 2023

Jew Hatred Keeps Corrupt People And Countries In Power, And the World Immersed In Misery

In the eyes of the Jew hater, outside of Israel, there is no poverty, no war, no violence, no oppression, no persecution, no envirnmental degradation, no problems, just paradise, and if there are, they are caused by the Jews. 

Many people need scapegoats. It is an enormous human weakness. It is a form of evil. It not only has caused enormous suffering to Jews themselves, but also to many others. The obsessive focus on hating and demonizing Jews ensures real suffering and problems, in their many different forms, never are addressed. 

Deranged, perverted men like Hitler use the Jew to obtain power. Countries use the Jew and Israel to deflect from their own persecutions, corruptions, perversions, greeds, evils and weaknesses.

Hatred and demonization keeps the world mired in misery.

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