Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Marriage Of Murder, Hamas And The Left

The commandment not to murder dates back thousands of years. 

It is violated many times in the name of religion, politics, race, and more.

Many people violate the commandment under the guise of seeking a greater social justice. Communists promised a workers paradise, as they slaughtered millions of workers and average people in order to keep in power corrupt elites. 

Stalin murdered millions. So did Mao, Pol Pot and others. They did their murdering hiding behind righteous claims regarding liberation, colonialism, oppression, oppressed and oppressors, liberation, imperialism, resistance and more.

Many on the left label the people they want slaughtered as colonialists, settlers, nonindigenous or something else, believing murder is acceptable against those they label and accuse.

Hamas is a reactionary force. So is Hezbollah and their Iranian regime masters. Because they use the words the left likes to hear, the left eagerly supports their genocidal, murdering campaign.

Hitler slaughtered Jews. Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime seek to achieve the same. Unlike Hitler, they dress up their genocidal, murdering ambitions in what appeals to the left.

Murder is murder. There is no context, no excuse, nothing that explains away this evil, no matter how hard the left or anyone else tries. 

Standing firm in support of the commandment not to murder is the most basic glue that keeps humanity from descending into the worst of creatures. No one, not on the right, not on the left, not from any religion, has the right to murder. Past or present injustices or grievances, real or imagined, must also cease being used as the excuse to murder. 

Thou shall not murder is clear and unequivocal. There are no exceptions, not for religion, politics, race or anything else.

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