Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Cult Of Death

 People that brag about how they worship death, how they believe their enemy worships life, and how this makes them stronger than their enemy, are completely wrong.

First, they do not really believe in death. Instead, they believe that when they die, or when they are killed or martyred by their definition, they immediately enter into a hedonistic paradise. So instead of believing in death, they believe in a magical and instant transformation into a paradise full of earthly pleasures.

Many of these blowhards choose comfort for themselves in the west or east, as they encourage others to throw away their lives.

They often brainwash children and teenagers into believing in the cult of death. This makes it easier to recruit suicide bombers and others willing to throw their lives away while doing great harm to others. Meanwhile they themselves boast but do nothing.

Death comes to us all. People that choose life recognize the gift of life each of us is granted, not to be squandered. 

Brave people face their fears. If someone wants life, but is willing to risk that life for a greater good, that makes that person a braver person than the one who is brainwashed into thinking life has no value, and therefore is eager to throw it away. 

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