Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Being Intolerant Of Islamic Intolerance Is Not The Same As Being Intolerant Of Islam

                                      I could care less what someone believes provided that person is not harming others. If someone wants to worship a rock, or a tree, or one God or many Gods, how is any of that my business? It is not my business. We have in the stable countries of this world a little thing called religious freedom. Which means people are free to practice their own religions, faiths and beliefs, free from persecution.
                                      But  accepting or at least being indifferent to the religious practices of other religions is far different than accepting Islamic supremacy, Islamic intolerance, and the belief that Islam must dominate. There are millions of Muslims in this world that are good, decent people that are not intolerant, that are accepting of other religions, and that do not believe Islam must dominate and rule. But there are also millions of Muslims that are intolerant of other religions, including Muslims that worship differently than themselves, and that believe Islam must rule and dominate. And some of these people are eagerly killing, raping and maiming all over the world.
                                        The survival of this planet demands that people of all religions learn to live with each other without resorting to endless wars, violence and terror. Mankind, now in the nuclear weapons age with all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, cannot survive religious wars. Suppressing concern about the rising hatred, intolerance, violence and terrorism in the Islamic world may be politically correct, but it is also idiotic. It is not phobic to fear people that want to kill you.
                                         Dismissing all the violence and terrorism in the Islamic world as not being Islamic is  a convenient way to whitewash and ignore a difficult situation that all of humanity faces. Islam can be a great religion of peace, but it can also be a religion of war, terrorism and intolerance. Pretending that this duality does not exist might be politically correct, but it is misleading. Anyone can read the Quran, the Hadiths, and see for themselves the teachings of Islam. What is unfortunate is that the most violent, intolerant, hate filled interpretations of Islam are what the oil rich Islamic nations of the world are spreading.
                                        If humanity is unwilling to stand up against religious intolerance, which includes not whitewashing or ignoring the hatred and intolerance emanating from the Islamic world, then a very dark age will descend upon us, from which all of humanity will never emerge.

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