Monday, August 1, 2016

Worldwide, National Parks Must Mean Something

                     National parks are one of humanity's best ideas. In the United States and in some other countries, national parks have set, unalterable boundaries. The parks are patrolled and protected by national park rangers. The government ensures all of this.
                     In many third world nations of the world, places with the world's greatest biodiversity, national parks are not protected. Park boundaries are rendered meaningless. In one once magnificent park, much of the territory was opened up to developers and other interests, and now the park is but a remnant of what it was once. Nature was not protected, and now what could have been a major tourist draw for that country can never be. Endangered species have been driven closer to extinction.
                      National parks are words that have to mean something. Like it or not, human beings cannot survive without nature. National parks are treasures. They not only protect and preserve biodiversity, but they have innumerable benefits to humans, not the least of which are recreational.
                       In many national parks in the third world, familiar words are heard- there is not the funding to properly secure and protect the parks. These parks face all kinds of threats, including exploding human populations, logging, hunting, mining, trapping, live bird and exotic animal capturing, and more. Underfunded national parks are not being properly patrolled and secured.
                          But the money is there. Even in the world of conservation and wildlife protection, a number of organizations are swimming in money. Why is the money and political will not there to protect the world's parks? Why is humanity losing its last chance to protect biodiversity, flora and fauna?
                          In the United States, and in some other countries, the government has a strong hand in the protection and patrolling of national parks. This must become the model for national parks worldwide. The wealthier nations of the world must work with the poorer nations of the world to ensure their parks are properly protected.
                           If we continue down the path of weak government involvement in much of the world's national parks by both nations and the international community, with weak, self serving wildlife and conservation organizations pretending to fill the vacuum, there will be nothing left to bequeath to the future.
                            Governments assume fundamental roles in the affairs of human lives. This includes defense and public safety. It must include the defense and protection of nature. Keep destroying nature, and regardless of whether one loves or hates nature, human life will not survive.

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