Monday, August 8, 2016

The U.S. Tax Structure Must Stop Favoring The Rich And Wealthy And Must Start Addressing Serious Problems

                               Will raising taxes on the rich and well off collapse the American economy? According to some economists, it will. (Political points of view seem to dictate economic points of view.) The economy will not collapse because rich people have their taxes raised. And for those who threaten to leave the United States because their taxes are raised, where do they expect to go? A European country that already has a more equitable, graduated tax structure? A low tax country with barely any government services and that is highly unstable? There are few places as stable as the United States where the wealthy are this well cared for.
                                  Some scream socialism when taxing the rich in a more equitable manner is suggested, such as having a graduated income tax. Socialism and communism meant having the means of production in the hands of the state. Communism meant having almost everything in the hands of the state. A graduated income tax and a more equitable tax structure is not socialism, and it is not communism. Once the U.S. had a graduated income tax, and we were still not a socialist nation. Trickle down economic theories along with out of control government spending and reduced taxes for the wealthy simply makes no sense.
                                    The U.S. economy will not collapse from a more fair, equitable tax structure. The U.S. will face serious problems if it continues to have bloated government spending, which includes a military that needs to be made far more efficient; all of which is funded by printing money.
                                     The U.S. cannot continue to ignore the large disenfranchised population in its midst, in which millions are not gainfully employed and where many instead are employed in the criminal underworld of gangs and drug trafficking. The U.S. infrastructure needs repair. Serious environmental problems continue to be ignored. There is a long list of serious issues that need to be addressed.
                                      There are far worse things in the world that people have to face than the rich having to pay more than their fair share of taxes. Millions still cannot afford to get sick or injured. Many people cannot afford proper care if they are sick. The world faces an extremist threat every bit as great as the beginning rise of Nazi Germany. Did American taxes go down in order to fight the Nazis? No, they went way up to fund the war effort.The United States may not believe it is at war with its enemies, but its enemies have already declared war on the United States. Nuclear proliferation also remains a huge threat, as does the ongoing threat of an existing nuclear power using nuclear weapons.
                                        The rich and well off receive all of the benefits that America has to offer. They must also share in its burdens, even if it is not anywhere near the degree of sacrifice as the people that put their lives on the line or work a myriad of low wage jobs that keeps this nation running.

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