Saturday, October 1, 2016

Election Time - More Nonsense About How Not To Improve Police Departments

                                                      Clout and patronage needs to be completely removed from professional policing and promotions. Professional police departments do not have layers upon layers of politically connected people and top heavy police brass that do little to nothing day in and day out except throw their weight around. Professional police departments are not wasting time and taxpayer money with nonsense paperwork, public relations games, and administrators.
                                                     Cops need to work the streets, from the top level down. They cannot be tied up in a fictitious world of policing, including the new world of community policing, that is nothing but time wasting meetings, paperwork, and administration. Real community policing means cops patrol the streets, including patrolling neighborhoods on foot. One hundred years ago, when cops walked beats and knew their neighborhoods, that was the true standard for what community policing should be. Not the university and elitist concocted programs that exist now.
                                                       Police work is about patrolling, serving and protecting.  No clout, no patronage, no cronyism, no deviation from the basic mission.

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