Sunday, October 30, 2016

The National Highway Of Death And Injury

                                A two lane highway runs across a heavily populated island. Millions of people rely on the highway, which serves as a lifeline for goods and services. But the lifeline is also a death trap. The narrow highway was never designed for this much traffic and this heavy of a population. Traffic accidents are common. Pedestrians sometimes get hit. The hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats living on the streets, most in an emaciated state, also sometimes get hit. Sometimes they are hit and wounded, but not killed. They scream in agony awaiting the arrival of help that will never come. The fumes from cars, trucks and buses are thick and heavy. Humans, no life in fact, were designed for this much traffic, this large of a population. Every day the soft flesh of humans and animals meets the hard steel and aluminum of trucks and cars.

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