Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Retired Diplomat's Excuse For Hamas And Gaza

                                      The retired diplomat, referred to in an earlier blog, had this to say about Gaza, "Hamas fired rockets that were little more than firecrackers. Israel had no right to respond." He then accused Israel of war crimes for the children that died in Gaza from when Israel did respond militarily. I asked him why Hamas fired the rockets in the first place if they were so harmless, (which they are not), knowing full well that Israel would respond militarily and that would result in the loss of life. The retired diplomat had no response. I said to him that excusing Hamas from any and all responsibility was the surest way to ensure they will continue waging war and that more innocent people will die. Regarding the hundreds of thousands of children that have died in the military conflicts in the neighborhood where Israel exists, he remained silent. He is another in a long line where life does not matter unless somehow there is a way to implicate Israel.

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