Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Stock Market Disconnect From Reality And The Trashing Of The Oceans

     Every day thousands upon thousands of tons of plastic, styrofoam and other oil based materials pour into the oceans. The planet gets trashed, and it falls on deaf years. In the years to come species after species will go extinct as the oceans and habitats the world over continue to be degraded and destroyed.
     What is there to show for the artificial wealth that the stock market produces? Does it save coral reefs? Does it save species or anything of real value? Does it stop the plastic poisoning of the oceans and massive plastic poisoning of wildlife? Instead, it gives the false illusion of prosperity.
      Plastic and other oil based garbage are threatening the very life of this planet. This enormously understated threat continues to be ignored. Some have childish beliefs in the ability of technology to remove ocean plastic. Instead, almost all of the plastic and other oil based materials break down into smaller pieces that disperse throughout the oceans. The small plastic beads, pieces and fibers are virtually impossible to remove. The thousands of tons of plastics entering the oceans daily bring the oceans and humanity closer to a tipping point from which there is no return. And still there is no serious effort to alter this sad reality.

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