Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Venezuela: Poverty and Repression While Domestic and Foreign Oligarchs Prosper

     Venezuela continues to descend into economic hardship. The oligarchs that loot Venezuela call themselves socialists and thereby have won the support of many mindless leftists the world over (killing is ok to them as long as it is done under the banner of Islam, socialism or the left). Meanwhile, the oligarchs, aka thieves and murderous crooks, will do anything to maintain their rule and riches. Resistance to these crooks has weakened after being ruthlessly suppressed.
      External support from other corrupt oligarch regimes, including Russia and Iran, ensure the Venezuelan people will continue to suffer. Venezuela has become an open door for Hezbollah, Russia, Iran, state sanctioned drug dealing, and more.
       No matter what one thinks of Trump, republicans, the direction of the United States, opposing the further decline of Venezuela (not through violence but by firm economic sanctions against all the oligarchs, Venezuelan, Russian, Iranian and more, that are causing this once prosperous nation to become a hellhole of poverty, hunger, repression and suffering) should be bipartisan.
       For those that consider themselves leftists as long as the suffering is caused by the regimes they despise, not by the murderers they support, it is long past overdue in which these hypocrites are called out.

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