Saturday, August 18, 2018

Hate And Bigotry In The Islamic World Will Keep ISIS Alive

     The intolerance and Islamic supremacy that fueled ISIS is alive and well. Many Muslims that dissociate from or condemn ISIS hold the same or similar hatreds, intolerance and supremacist beliefs. It is easier to view ISIS as a fringe lunatic group then face the wider problem of Islamic hate, intolerance and supremacy. Unless this is faced, ISIS itself will disappear, but ISIS type organizations, which include many Islamic jihadist groups, will continue to grow like cancer.
       Many Muslims that blame non Muslims for strife in the Islamic world ignore how their own intolerance and hate are the source for much of the wars, killings and sufferings. All hate, intolerance, religious, racial and ethnic supremacy must be opposed. Otherwise, ISIS will always be with us.

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