Saturday, August 11, 2018

Puppy Mills, Animal Abusers And The Lucrative World Of Animal Organizations And Shelters

      There is a well funded animal organization that is claiming getting a dog from an animal shelter is the way to stop puppy mills. Many nonprofits make all kinds of unchallenged claims. Although there are small scale and other animal shelters that are not money making, greedy enterprises, this cannot be said for a number of animal organizations and shelters. They have helped make animal cruelty and dog fighting some of the easiest crimes to commit (refer to previous blogs for details). The no kill movement and many animal activists and animal organizations have trivialized animal cruelty and proven themselves to be better friends to animal abusers than to man's best friend. They have made sure that a dog fighter, for example, has a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested.
        Untold numbers of puppies are pouring into the United States to feed the insatiable demand for shelter animals. It is big business, and it is fueling puppy mills abroad, and surely in the United states. There is little to no tracking, no monitoring, no accounting regarding these animals.
        Shelter adoptions does not decrease puppy mills, no matter what propaganda an organization may spin. In fact, the opposite is occuring.
        There needs to be oversight in the very lucrative business of animal organizations and shelters. Too often the only difference between a pet shop and animal shelter is that the former pays taxes.

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