Saturday, August 4, 2018

Animal Rescue And The Animal Organizations Helping Dog Trafficking And Puppy Mills

     Previous blogs discuss extensively the way many animal organizations and animal advocates have helped make dog fighting and animal cruelty some of the easiest crimes to commit. This blog will not revisit that. Nor will it address how the animal no kill movement has trivialized real animal cruelty, and helps serve the interests of animal abusers and animal hoarders.
      Years ago, a prominent, well funded animal organization euthanized three healthy pit bull puppies. A badly burned pitbull female was kept alive. Why, one of the veterinarians was asked, were the puppies euthanized, but the suffering, burnt dog was kept alive? He sheepishly responded that he did not know why, but had to go along with what he was ordered to do.
      Later, the organization received extensive free publicity for saving the burnt dog, after she underwent painful surgeries. The puppies, which had been promptly euthanized, would never have generated that kind of free publicity.
      Shortly thereafter, when a three legged dog was recovered, a number of organizations fought to get her - because playing on heartstrings, a huge source of money- is the name of the game.
      Because of the American love affair for dogs- the mindless manipulation of heartstrings and sentiment- animal rescue has become big business. The more pathetic and moving the story an animal shelter or organization can make up, the more the pull on heartstrings, the greater the contributions.
      The shameless exploitation of animals and animal cruelty has led to fame and fortune for many animal organizations and advocates. Not only has it contributed to the dysfunctional approach to dogfighting and animal cruelty (again, discussed in previous blogs), but it has opened the door to the massive inflow of dogs and puppies from outside of the United States. Animal rescue has become big business for not only a number of so called animal advocates and animal organizations, but also for the hidden industry, inside and outside of the United States, that provides these shelters with the so called rescue dogs and puppies that feed the enormous demand.

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