Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Does Good Fashion Mean Drinking Clothes?

     Plastic pollution is out of control, with millions of pounds of plastic waste, much of it non recyclable and all of it non biodegradable, pouring into the oceans daily. This is a complicated problem that is not being addressed.
      The simple effort to employ disadvantaged people in developing nations to clean coasts and other areas, one small important element in addressing the problem, has thus far gained no traction. This should be one of the world's largest anti poverty/environmental projects.
       But what is ineffective and lucrative for a number of nonprofits and others regarding plastic pollution has gained traction.
        In the end, nothing is being done to address this massive, damaging problem that is destroying the oceans, wildlife and more.

         Trillions of microfibres and microplastic particles that shed from synthetic clothing (most clothing nowadays is made from synthetic materials), through washing, dry cleaning, and everyday wear, enter into the waterways and oceans of the world daily. These fibers and particles are not filtered out from municipal water treatment facilities. Bottled water also contains plastic microparticles  and fibers from the production and bottling of water bottled in plastic. Plastic microparticles and fibers have entered into the food chain, and humans are now drinking and consuming these harmful particles.
          Fashion, which is devoid of environmental considerations, dictates what people must wear to look good. Are clothes that look good really good when all the clothes are doing is destroying waterways and the oceans, and people and other animals end up consuming their shedded microfibers and particles?


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