Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Farrakhan And The Weakness And Dependency That Comes From Hate

     Farrakhan created a cult of dependency and hate, with the Jew as the object of that hate. He and his Nation of Islam have falsely re-written history, casting the Jew as villain, and leaving out the role of Arab Muslims for anything having to do with slavery. Hundreds of thousands of people indoctrinated to hate Jews does not bode well for the future of the United States.
      Farrakhan's bigotry goes unchallenged, out of some kind of warped, patronizing political correctness.
       Uniting people around an enemy to hate does not unite or strengthen black communities or any communities. It only creates dependency and weakness.
       Jews were at the forefront of the civil rights movement. Their emphasis on education as the source of empowerment was long ago lost on the Farrakhans that chose instead the lazy man's path of hate, anger and blaming someone else. Having the Jew to hate has afforded Farrakhan a pampered life free from real work. Money, followers and riches are often easily obtained for leaders of Jew hating movements. Farrakhan is no exception.

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