Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Rep. Omar: Focus On Israel, Not Somalia

           Israel is the crutch for much of the Islamic world and others. Focusing on Israel to the exclusion of all else allows nations and people to be mired in their own pathology without ever having to change.
           Omar comes from Somalia, not Israel. Somalia has been torn apart by Al Shabaab Islamic jihadists that do not hesitate to target and massacre civilians in Somalia and in Kenya. Israel, like all nations, deserves to be scrutinized and criticized. But the hyperfocus on Israel is used as the excuse to avoid scrutiny and criticism of Islamic nations, Somalia included, or of Islam itself.
            Omar and many others pretend it is about Israel and a struggle for justice, when it is really about the avoidance of justice and freedom for Somalia and other nations simply because they are Islamic nations. Only Israel is fair game to this mindset. The enormous failure to address the massive dysfunctionality, supremacism and bigotry in many Islamic nations and organizations have allowed dysfunctionality, violence and fanaticism to flourish.

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