Saturday, February 24, 2024

War Against Israel Is About Hatred For Jews, Masquerading As Something Else

 Many of the people that say they want a ceasefire and no more war in Gaza advocate for the same hate, destruction of Israel and extermination of its Jewish population that Hamas and Islamic Jihad seeks. They claim to want peace while screaming their support for the very organizations that actively rape, kidnap, murder, and wage war while using civilian populations as human shields.

When the masks come off -  the lies, the charades, that this is about resistance, liberation, occupation, land, colonialism, indigenous, apartheid, or any of the other deceptions - truth emerges as it always does. Unfortunately in life, often by the time truth emerges, there already was death, destruction, war and misery.

This is about hatred for the Jew, same as always. It is same hatred that motivated the demented Hitler, the same hatred that ensures a tiny minority population continues to be persecuted and the object of extermination. Sometimes race is used to justify the hate and persecution. Often religion is used to justify the hate and persecution. Sometimes it is the combination of the two, or another demented reason. The enormous human flaw to need a scapegoat, a target to hate and persecute, continues unabated after many thousands of years.

Rape, kidnapping, mutilation, torture, murder are terrible evils that must never be excused, defended, justified, encouraged or promoted, as they are now by Hamas and their many supporters. It speaks volumns about what this war is really about.

The war against Israel is a war of extermination. 

That is why there is silence when it comes to the mass slaughter, genocide, rape, mutilations and murders in Darfur, Yemen, Syria, the Congo region and a thousand other places. If there is not a pretense to go after the Jew, no one is interested. There is no peace movement, no mass protests. There are no calls for justice. Even when it is Muslims that are persecuted, as they are in China and Myanmar, barely a voice is heard. The Jew is not involved, so there is silence.

The war in Gaza needs to end immediately. Hamas must release the hostages. Hamas and Islamic Jihad must surrender and be given free one way tickets to Qatar, Iran, Turkey and all of the other places that joyfully welcome and support murder, rape, hate, war and kidnapping as long as the Jew is the target. 

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