Friday, March 1, 2024

The Road To Rape, Murder, Genocide begins With Demonizing. Social Media's Role In Dehumanizing Jews

 Hamas spent years brainwashing children into believing the most vile lies about Jews. 

When dehumanization and demonizing a people occurs, the steps from words to horrific actions narrows.

The Nazis prelude to the holocaust was the dehumanization and demonizing of the Jew.

The genocide against the Tutsis, mostly by hacking to death with machetes hundreds of thousands of people, was preceded by the demonizing and dehumanization of Tutsis. 

Instead of outrage, hundreds of millions of people celebrate the incredible evil that took place on Oct. 7. 

By teaching the most vile things about Jews, it became that much easier for thousands of people from Gaza, when the opportunity presented itself, to kidnap, rape, murder, mutilate, torture, burn people alive, behead and commit other atrocities. 

People are responsible for their actions, and no amount of brainwashing frees people from accountability. 

But to ignore the fact that when people are brainwashed and taught the worst lies about a different group of people, the distance shortens from words to horrific actions.

Social media has made it possible for the most virulent antisemitic garbage to reach audiences far greater in number than ever before in human history.

There is literally a flood of poison on social media teaching the most despicable lies about Jews. 

Video after video on YouTube with its enormous reach and audience size are brainwashing people into believing that Jews are subhuman and demonic. Lies upon lies are disseminated about Jews and Judaism meant to incite hatred and violence against Jews. 

Videos, some with hundreds of thousands of views, some with millions of views, lie, denigrate and defame Jews in the worst ways imaginable all over social media.

It takes sick minds and weak people to come up with the flood of hate against Jews. But there it is, in all of its toxicity, inexplicably unopposed. 

The fruit of hate, demonizing and dehumanization is war, carnage, atrocities, genocide. 

The Nazis knew that if the Jews were demonized and dehumanized to the extent that they were viewed as more contemptible and worthy of death than cockroaches, millions of people could more easily rape, mutilate, torture and slaughter Jews. 

We already are accepting regrettably the evil brainwashing that is taking place against Jews in many authoritarian states and religious theocracies. 

But for American based social media giants, these huge profit making machines operating from U.S. corporate headquarters, to continue to profit unopposed while benefiting from demonizing and dehumanizing Jews is beyond disgraceful.

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