Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Nonprofits All About Money Have Not Lost Their Way - Money Is Their Way, Animals As One Example

 Nonprofits that are all about money, which is far more common than this industry that does not pay taxes wants it to be known, have not lost their way. Money is their way. 

When it comes to domestic animal abuse, as just one example, this is a police matter that does not belong, and never belonged, in the hands of organizations that make fortunes selling themselves as the voice for animals. Organizations that have no business doing what public law enforcement should be doing, and that are not only frquently ineffective and at times harmful, but are enablers for public law enforcement to continue being almost always derelict in duty when it comes to enforcing criminal laws on the books pertaining to animals. 

There are many issues and concerns that nonprofits use to play on people's heartstrings as an easy way to raise money and gain followers. 

People often respond emotionally to pleas for help, without giving consideration as to the efficacy and effectiveness of what it is they are actually supporting.

Unfortunately, other nonprofits that allegedly rate nonprofits fail to evaluate and scrutinize the most important grounds for any nonprofit organization to exist-  efficacy and effectiveness.

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