Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Shameless And Their Demented Hamas Love Affair

 No matter how much people try to defend rape, kidnapping, torture, mutilation and murder, it is always indefensible. 

No matter how many people try to defend rape, kidnapping, torture, mutilation and murder, it always remains indefensible. 

The shame for the senseless war and deaths in Gaza falls on Hamas and all those that support Hamas. 

Instead of a world outcry against the thousands of people from Gaza that entered into Israel on October 7 and raped, murdered, burned alive, kidnapped, mutilated, beheaded and committed other atrocities, there was instead millions that deflected, defended, excused, justified, and even screamed loudly for more atrocities. All of this took place will before Israel entered into Gaza. If it had been different, if there was a world outcry, release of hostages, and if there had been accountability, this would not have escalated.

Without a basic moral code by which all of humanity must follow, there will be no hope left for humanity. This includes not raping, kidnapping, mutilating, burning people alive, murdering, torturing, or committing other atrocities, no matter the reasons given.

Opposing Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all of their allies that raped, kidnapped, mutilated and murdered on October 7 does not mean support for Israel. 

Anyone that defends, justifies, excuses, ignores, promotes or encourages rape, kidnapping, mutilation, murder, burning people alive, beheading and other atrocities is complicit in the crimes of those that commit these evil acts. 

The blood of the civilians of Gaza is on Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all of their supporters. Hamas, Islamic Jihad massacred, raped, kidnapped, mutilated and murdered on October 7, and hide behind and beneath the civilians of Gaza that they use as human shields. 

End the war now. Release all of the hostages. Hamas and Islamic Jihad, receive free one way tickets to Qatar, Iran, Turkey and elsewhere where your multi millionaire, multi billionaire leaders already live in luxury far from the war that they, Iran, Qatar and their other allies, not only want and helped start, but  gladly desire for civilians on all sides to senselessly get killed. Gazan civilians for their propaganda value. Israelis civilians out of hatred. 

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