Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Israelis, Palestinian Arabs, Sharing A Path That Must Separate From Cheerleaders For Hate

In any conflict, in any war, the last thing needed are the cheerleaders for more war, violence, hate, terror. 
The cheerleaders may disguise their incitement by claiming to be against genocide or something else seemingly noble, while they are the very ones adding fuel to the fire of war, death, terror and misery. 
The Palestinian Arab Israeli conflict must end, which is not helped by those calling for more of the same. 
The enemies for Palestinian Arab and Israeli are not the other. It is the ones that profit, whether financially, emotionally, religiously, politically, personally, or in some other way, from hate, incitement,violence, terror, misery, death, destruction, war and killing. 
Release the hostages. Hamas and Islamic Jihad, go to one of the countries that already gives luxurious living sanctuary to your millionaire and billionaire leaders, whether it is in Qatar, Iran, Turkey or elsewhere. 
No more calls for violence and terror. No more support for those that see the others as subhuman, inferior or demonic. 
Israeli and Palestinian Arab are married together on a small piece of land whether they like it or not. All those that call for ethnic cleansing, more violence, more hate, more killing, more terror, must be repudiated. They are the cowards that want others to do the dying for them.
New and bold leadership is needed.

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