Thursday, February 27, 2025

It Is About Religion And Hatred, Not Occupation

 Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their allies do not hide what this war is about. They believe the end time comes when the Jews are slaughtered. They believe killing Jews is a religious duty.

They believe that if they die while killing Jews, they die as martyrs that instantly go to heaven.

Hamas and company, in their words, in their writings, in their actions, including the Oct 7 massacre of defenseless people, including babies, make clear their hatred for Jews and that they will slaughter every Jew and Israeli they get their hands on.

Hating Jews or Israel is socially acceptable for the anti-Israel crowd as long as they make it about occupation, colonization or some other excuse to hide their hate. This does not change the fact that for Hamas and Islamic Jihad it is about religion.

If your neighbor is constantly trying to attack and murder you, at some point you will build fences and walls and make sure that they do not succeed. If Israel shrunk in size to no more than ten square miles, the war would still not end until even the tiniest in size Israel was destroyed. In the eyes of Israel's enemies, the despised Jew must not be allowed any country, no matter its size. How can their religion be supreme in their eyes if they cannot destroy even the small in number despised Jew, so they keep on trying.

Over 40,000 mostly women and children live in a guarded barbed wire encampment in Syria, guarded by Kurdish troops. They are the mostly women and children of ISIS. Are they imprisoned because of their hate and the danger they present, or are they helpless people being held in captivity because of forces external to themselves? They are kept in captivity because of the threat they pose. If Israelis, not Kurds were guarding them, the world would see it different and blame the Israelis for their being in an open-air prison. Because the Israelis are not involved, no one cares that they are kept imprisoned. If tomorrow Israelis replaced the Kurds, this would become an instant worldwide cause, and everyone would blame the Israelis and Jews for why the guarded camp exists and demand the immediate release of everyone inside of the camp. 

Hamas is no different than ISIS. Hamas is treated differently than ISIS because Hamas targets Israelis and Jews, and far too many share their hatred.

Gaza needs to be freed from Hamas. The entire world needs to be liberated from the poisonous ideology and beliefs of Hamas and the many Hamas type organizations that have spread like cancer throughout the world, often with Qatari funding. Boko Haram, Al-Quada, Al-Shabaab, Abu Sayyaf, ADF in the Congo, Al-Shabaab in Mozambique, ISIS, Hezbollah, RSF in Sudan, and many more.

ISIS is not allowed to control territory as it once did.

But because Hamas targets Jews and Israelis, the world applauds this murderous cult and wants it to control territory in a way that it would never allow for ISIS.

Many want Hamas to remain in control of Gaza because they hate Jews as much as Hamas does, even though they hide this behind their pretend concern about genocide, occupation, or some other untrue reality.

Meanwhile, the real genocide taking place in the Sudan by Arab militias against indigenous black Muslims receives no concern, no attention, no protests whatsoever. Nor does anyone care about the many casualties of war and deliberate murdering of countless civilians, extreme poverty and famine raging throughout Yemen, much of the Sudan, Congo region, North Nigeria, Somalia, North Africa, Myanmar, and elsewhere.

And we all know why.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Why Murder Is Supported When It Comes To Killing Jews

After October 7, people could have easily said, it does not matter what I feel or believe about Jews or Israel. Murder, kidnapping, sexual abuse, mutilation, and other atrocities are always wrong and must never be defended, denied or justified in any way whatsoever.

Instead, many people supported the murder and atrocities of October 7. 

This is not about the small percentage of people that are sadistic and enjoy inflicting pain and suffering.

This is about the people that are not sadistic by nature but abandon all morality when it comes to Jews or Israel, including the prohibitions against murder and other grave crimes. 

This is not about liking or supporting Israel or Jews. 

It is a sick manifestation of Jew hatred that Jews are held responsible for everything, even their own murders, and that those that do harm to Jews are held blameless and not accountable, even when they murder and commit other horrific crimes.

Jew haters find endless reasons to justify their hatred and desire to see Jews and Israelis slaughtered.

They throw to the wayside the prohibitions against murder and other grave crime that they apply to everyone else.

This has been going off and on for thousands of years. Perhaps it is built insidiously into the DNA of countless human beings.

Jews - not the Romans or descendants of the Romans, who actually were the crucifiers - were blamed, persecuted and murdered for almost two thousand years for the crucifixion of Jesus. All Jews, no matter where they lived, no matter the century, even though Jesus himself was a Jew, as was his mother, his disciples and almost all of the early Christians. 

The hatred, dehumanizing, persecution, and murder of Jews has a long history not only in Europe but also throughout the middle east, North Africa and elsewhere. The Jews of the middle east and Africa were ethnically cleansed and forced to flee to Israel, those that were not murdered in the process, where there is a determined effort to wipe them and all of the Jews of Israel off of the face of the earth.

In the modern-day conflict with Israel, murder is supported and accepted based on new accusations, not necessarily the old accusations of the past that most often were about religion. There is always some excuse created or dug up, to justify hating, demonizing and murdering Jews.

Hitler made it about race. Hate, dehumanize, demonize, and then murder by the millions was the tactic. This is again being attempted, with reasons other than race used to hate, dehumanize, demonize, and then murder.

People in the present time makes it about occupation, colonization, false claims about apartheid, or some other reason to justify murder while appearing lofty. What is hypocritically ignored is the fact that most people on the planet live on occupied, colonized lands and no one seeks their removal or murder. Or the fact that the Jews of Israel live on their historic, ancestorial land where hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced to flee to and join the Jews already living there, after being ethnically cleansed, including from all over the middle east and North Africa by the same Arab people to which the Palestinian Arabs belong.

Even if everything bad they say about Jews or Israelis were true, it still does not change the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, gives anyone the right to deliberately harm civilians and defenseless people including Jews and Israelis, or to murder, sexually abuse, kidnap, mutilate, and commit other atrocities.

The anti-Israel Jew hating mob cannot just say murder is wrong, and that no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, nothing justifies the murders and atrocities of October 7.

The centuries old evil and poison of Jew hatred never disappeared. It may go into remission, but it never goes away.

Even some people Jewish born find it more compelling or profitable to be part of the anti-Jewish, anti-Israel mob that defends murder and atrocities against Jews and Israelis, including because group think and the will of the mob, no matter how insidious, is stronger than the ability of many individuals to be principled.

Hitler, murderer of countless millions, took responsibility for absolutely nothing and blamed the Jews to the very end for his many failures.

The enemies of Israel do whatever atrocities they want, just as Hitler's did against the Jews, often receiving applause, not condemnation. They are never held responsible by those that hate Jews and Israel.

Many use deflection as the strategy to justify murders and atrocities against Jews. This is a form of hatred that is rarely called out. This group of Jew haters, the deflectors, if asked to condemn October 7 for example, will instead use accusations against Israel to deflect away from the evils of those they support, even when those that they support murder, rape, kidnap and commit other atrocities.

This inability to take responsibility for anything, and to blame the Jew or Israel for everything, ensures there is no end to the war and misery.

It is long past due that basic morality, including the prohibitions against murder, sexual abuse, kidnapping and other grave crimes, are uniformly applied across the world without exception, and that Jews and Israelis are no longer considered exceptions and fair game targets to harm and murder.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Darkside Of Qatar, Not Only For Jews

 The gas wealth that rests beneath the ground of Qatar has made it extremely wealthy. It enables Qatar to spread its religious intolerance and supremacism. There is no separation of religion and state in Qatar or the freedoms democracies in the west cherish.

In poor countries that follow the religious intolerance and beliefs of Qatar without the enormous wealth and cushion that Qatar enjoys by virtue of what is beneath Qatar's feet and that they do not have to work for, what Qatar offers is pure poison. Nothing but grinding poverty and misery for these countries. 

Qatar supports Hamas and wants others to wage war against Israel. Qatar exploits this war to gain converts. By demonizing Israel constantly, including through its Al-Jazeera propaganda media, Qatar is able to unite people behind its toxic beliefs.

Israel is Qatar's way of deflection. Everything is sunny in rich Qatar, far from the wars, poverty and misery it helps create all over the world. 

Qatar wants all eyes on Israel, not only to win converts to their beliefs, but also to keep all eyes away from Qatar itself

There is no scrutiny of the widespread exploitation and abuse of foreign workers in Qatar. 

Qataris live in luxury and laziness for many on the backs of exploited workers.

There is little to no scrutiny of the misery and toxicity that Qatar exports.

Qatar has Israel to ensure Qatar is never scrutinized.

Billionaire and multi-millionaire Hamas leaders live like kings in Qatar, far from the misery they and Qatar helped create in Gaza.

Meanwhile, useful idiot socialist minded youth in the west, funded by Qatar and other fat cat wealth, following in Hitler's footsteps, call for Israel's destruction, music to the ears of every murderous autocratic, theocratic, brutal, corrupt regime on the planet.  

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Murdering Jews Is Why Hamas Exists

Hamas exists to murder Jews, and because their target are Jews, they receive widespread support.

As long as Jews are the targets, murder and other atrocities are excused, denied, explained away, justified including by deflection, or defended.  

Some openly declare they want Jews dead.

Others use religious, political or some other reason to justify their support for murder.

Past or present injustices or grievances, real or imagined, are also used to justify murder.

October 7 proved that when it comes to Israel and Jews, there are no limits to the depths of depravity to which human beings sink.

Depravity that receives minimal pushback.

Murder and other atrocities are justified or excused under the banner of victimhood, or under the banner of religion, politics, resistance, occupation or something else, even though murder and committing other atrocities are in and of themselves indefensible.

Murder is exactly what Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza did on October 7, to the applause of countless millions.

On October 7, Hamas and company murdered, wounded, kidnapped, mutilated, sexually abused, beheaded, burned alive, desecrated bodies, of thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, from babies to the very old. Hamas and likeminded people and organizations have a long history long before and after Oct 7 of deliberately attacking, harming and murdering defenseless people, including unarmed civilians of all ages. This includes suicide bombings, bombs placed in markets, on buses, random stabbings, massacres, shootings, driving vehicles and trucks into pedestrians, and more. 

Murder and casualties of war are not the same. Hamas supporters defend the indefensible - murder and other atrocities as long as they are committed against Jews or Israelis. Hamas supporters ignore the many casualties of war caused by Hamas's waging war using children and other civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath.

Hamas, funded and supported by Qatar and others, believe they have the right to murder. Because their target is primarily Jews, their murdering receives widespread support. History teaches over and over that evil that starts with the Jews as the target does not end there.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ilhan Omar, Gaza But Not Somalia. Hamas And Al-Shabaab

Hamas and Al-Shabaab ideology and religious beliefs are similar, except Hamas has a special emphasis on killing Jews. This pathetically in and of itself has made Hamas the far more popular terrorist organization.

Al-Shabaab has torn Somalia apart. It is a major reason why Somalia continues to be one of the poorest nations in the world. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost in the many years of war in Somalia. Millions of people have been turned into refugees. Hunger, unemployment, underemployment, disease and poverty are rampant.

There is little to no interest in Somalia because there is no Israel to blame. The same applies for civilian casualties of war in that war torn, terror stricken nation.

Hamas, like Al-Shabaab, is a bloodthirsty terrorist organization that deliberately attacks, harms, murders and commits atrocities against civilians and defenseless people,

It is impossible to fight any war without incurring civilian casualties. It is especially impossible when the enemy uses civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath, and when the enemy uses civilian buildings from which to wage war and terror, such as mosques, hospitals, medical clinics, schools, universities, apartment buildings, UN buildings,  and so forth. 

Hamas spent years building tunnels for themselves, while not spending a single penny on bomb shelters above ground for civilians. Hamas fat cat leaders live like kings in Qatar and elsewhere, far from the misery they and Qatar helped create.

It is easy to blame Israel for civilian casualties in Gaza, because that is what the anti-Israel mob wants to hear.

But the fact remains that anyone truly interested in the children and civilians of Gaza would demand that Hamas stop waging war and terror. 

There is no war in the world where there are no civilian casualties. There is no war in the world without heavy civilian casualties when the enemy on one side uses their own civilians as human shield

There is not a single person on the planet, including every single military expert, that has an answer on how to wage war against an enemy that hides behind and beneath civilians, using children and other civilians as human shields, without incurring the loss of civilian lives. 

Hamas wages war using civilians as their human shields. 

The effort to conflate casualties of war with murder strengthens terrorists like Hamas and harms civilians. Murder is a terrible evil that no decent, ethical, sane human supports or defends. War is a terrible evil but at times the only way to stop those that murder.

Ilhan Omar, if she cares about the children and civilians of Gaza, and the children and civilians of Somalia, must not play politics with their lives.

This includes a complete repudiation of Hamas and Al-Shabaab, and all of the other like minded terror organizations that are tearing this planet apart, including Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Abu Sayyaf, Al-Shabaab of Mozambique, RSF in Sudan, and the many others.

She knows full well what Hamas like Al-Shabaab is doing to Somalia. When the target of the terrorists are not Jews or Israelis, it must not mean silence for Somalia. Or crocodile political show tears for Gaza when those that fight the terrorists are Israeli.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Jew Hatred; The Reason There Is War Against Israel

 The root cause of the war against Israel is hatred against Jews. 

This root cause is not addressed, let alone resolved.

It rarely even gets acknowledged. 

Every excuse in the book is used to deny this horrible truth, and to pretend the war, the conflict, is about something else. 

Religious, political, racial, or other reasons are used by the Jew hater to justify their hate, demonizing and support for violence, war and terror against Jews or Israel. Even if one reason is disproved or dispelled, they will latch onto another reason to hate and dehumanize. Hate, demonizing, and supporting violence, terror and murder against the target of that hate is an evil and weakness that far too many embraces. 

Long before there was an Israel, there was persecution against Jews. 

Not only in Christian majority Europe, which culminated in a holocaust and mass extermination, but also throughout the middle east, parts of Asia and Africa, where Jews often lived as a second class, persecuted minority subjected to periodic massacres and pogroms.

Jews were demonized, blamed, hated and persecuted when they did not have a country. Jews are demonized, blamed and hated when they do have a country.

When war is waged against Israel, Israel is blamed for the casualties of war, for the refugees that all wars inherently create, and for all of the other negative consequences of war. 

Many of the accusations made against Israel by Israel's accusers are crimes the accusers themselves commit, and project onto Israel.

Millions of people, for example, accuse Israel of colonizing, occupation and more, as they themselves live on lands that were stolen from native people, and that are now occupied. Most Israelis are Jews from the middle east and North Africa, including what is now Israel, where the effort to harm and murder Jews existed long before the modern state of Israel became a UN recognized nation in 1948. There were massacres of Jews all over the middle east and North Africa, not just in Europe, including in British controlled Palestine. The anti-Israel crowd accuses Israelis of being invaders, even though Israel is their historic homeland and has been their reborn modern nation for over 75 years, as the accusers themselves hypocritically live on occupied, stolen lands, including in Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, and in many more places. The long history of imperialism, conquest, colonization, capturing slaves and occupation is a history not only of the actions of Europeans, but also of Arabs, Turks and others. Jewish tribes lived on the Arabian Peninsula and all over the middle east and Africa long before Muhammad was born. The history of the Jewish tribes and of Jews in general is one of being slaughtered, driven out, made into slaves, and having their lands and properties stolen.

Israel is the world's scapegoat. Jews, a small in number ethnoreligious minority, are the world's oldest scapegoat.

The Jew hater is often easily recognized. The Jew hater blames the Jew for everything that they do not like in the world. The Jew hater takes no responsibility for their own actions.

The Jew hater holds blameless those that wage violence, war and terror against Jews or Israel. 

 The Jew hater is obsessed with demonizing, defaming and dehumanizing Jews or Israel, the only small Jewish majority nation in the world. 

Some Jew haters use the word Zionist instead of Jew, falsely believing that using the word Zionist instead of Jew hides their hatred and disguises their effort to demonize and destroy Israel.

Just as demonic Hitler blamed the Jews right to the end for his many failures, for losing the war and more, so too does the Jew hater blame the Jew and Israel for everything.

Including the mass murdering, kidnapping, sexual abuse and other atrocities committed by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza on October 7 against defenseless people of all ages inside of Israel. 

Hamas wages war using civilians as their human shields to hide behind and beneath, having wasted billions of dollars on tunnels for themselves and on enriching their fat cat leaders in Qatar and elsewhere, and not a single bomb shelter above ground for civilians. In typical Jew hating fashion, the Jew hater blames the Jew, not Hamas, for all civilian casualties of the war Hamas started after breaking a truce on October 7. 

Blame, defame, and take responsibility for nothing. That is the mantra of the Jew hater from time immemorial, and now it extends to their hatred of Israel.

Countless millions believe the end times and paradise will not arrive until the Jews are slaughtered. 

Millions, maybe even billions, blame, defame and hate Jews to the degree that they will murder any Jew they can get their hands on, including babies, if given the chance. Exactly what Hitler and company did. Exactly what Hamas did and brags it wants to do over and over.

A few Jewish born people that are full of hatred against Jews and Israel for whatever demented reasons made them that way, are tokens elevated to a status they do not deserve and paraded around to validate the Jew haters that do not want to appear antisemitic. Even Hitler's mass murderers found a few turncoats to help them in their genocide.

Many defenders of Jews and Israel get bogged down responding to the many accusations, the countless defamations, the endless smear, propaganda, and demonizing of Jews and Israel.

This is like responding to the symptoms of a disease while leaving the disease itself untreated.

The disease is the pathological, demonic human weakness and need for a scapegoat, a target to hate, an enemy to unite behind, demonize and blame. It is made worse, more virulent, by the human weakness to mindlessly conform to the crowd, to the group, to the mob. The need for a scapegoat, the human propensity towards violence, which most typically, although not always, targets the Jew, means evil continues to reign.

The hatred for Jews and the hatred against their one small majority Jewish nation, Israel, might be more treatable if it were a disease instead of the evil and pathetic weakness for which it is. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Phony Concern For Palestinian Casualties Of War By Anti-Israel War Mongers

 Decrying the casualties of war and the immense suffering and death that war causes, while advocating for more hate, demonizing, dehumanizing, violence and war, demonstrates a callousness that goes far beyond the insincerity. 

Millions of people are greatly harmed and dying in the many wars raging across the planet. There is hardly an outcry anywhere. The concern for human life has more to do about who can be blamed than real compassion. 

It is for this reason Israel is singled out as the only country at war to demonize and blame in a world full of wars. If Israel and Jews cannot be demonized and blamed, few care about human life.

This is why there is silence for the millions of people in the Sudan harmed by the war, mass rapes, starvation and genocide occurring there. This is why there is silence for the children and other civilians of the wars and violence in the Central African Republic, the DRC, Myanmar, Yemen, North Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Haiti, Mozambique and in many other places.

Millions of Arab Muslims and other Muslims have been slaughtered, displaced and greatly harmed by other Arab Muslims or other Muslims in the wars in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, Libya, Mozambique, DRC, Sudan, Central African Republic and elsewhere, without a concern raised. There were no Jews to blame. 

Millions of blacks have slaughtered other blacks in the wars and violence in the Congo region, Haiti, N. Nigeria, Mali, Mozambique, Somalia and in many other places. All of this killing and misery, and hardly a voice raised over the deafening silence and indifference.

If Jews or Israel cannot be blamed, there is indifference and lack of concern for human life, despite the incredible suffering from war and extreme poverty that hundreds of millions of people endure.

When it comes to Palestinian Arabs, countless people profess concern and outrage for the Palestinian Arab victims of war yet advocate and scream for more hate, terror, war, demonizing and violence. They want war, the very terrible evil that causes great suffering, death and misery in the first place.  

It is like Hitler supporters decrying German casualties of war while aggressively supporting Hitler's pursuit of war, murder, terror, genocide and the mass extermination now called the holocaust.

No person truly concerned about casualties of war is an advocate for more war. No person truly concerned about causalities of war justifies, defends and supports murder and terror. No person truly concerned about casualties of war supports those that murder civilians, despite the perverse and demonic efforts to label murder as resistance.

No person truly concerned about casualties of war finds it acceptable when terrorists use civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath. Or that fails to acknowledge this as a major cause of casualties of war in Gaza by Hamas and Islamic Jihad by those that only seek to demonize Israel.

Hamas spent billions of dollars to build terror tunnels beneath ground to protect themselves and to enrich their fat cat leaders living in Qatar, Turkey and elsewhere, while not spending a single penny to build bomb shelters above ground to protect Gazan civilians.

No person concerned about human life condones murder and the deliberate and intentional harming of civilians and defenseless people. Murdering and deliberately and intentionally committing other atrocities against civilians, which is what terrorist organizations do, is different than casualties of war, despite the best effort of propogandists to conflate the two. 

The anti-Israel crowd that wants Israel destroyed knows full well this means endless war and the killing of countless Jews, Arabs and others on that small land. No matter how they dress up their justifications for war against Israel, it is nothing more than a call for genocide. Just as Hitler called Jews undesirables and worse that need to be exterminated, the anti-Israel crowd does the same in their dehumanization and demonizing of Israel. Human beings live there. Millions of Jews, Arabs, and others, and all are greatly harmed by war. 

The many cheerleaders for more hate, violence, war, and terror could care less about the lives of Palestinian Arabs, no matter their crocodile tears. They only care about the lives of Palestinian Arabs if it is an opportunity to demonize Israel and Jews. It is for this reason that when Arabs or others are slaughtered in other wars and conflicts, they say nothing.

They want Israel destroyed, no matter how many more lives, Jews, Arabs and others, are lost in the process. 

Jews and Arabs and other ethnic/religious groups are married to one another on a small piece of land whether they like it or not.

Figuring out a way for the people of this troubled land to live with one another, without more war, violence and terror, must be the voices to heed.

Not the bloodthirsty voices calling for more hate, dehumanizing, terror and war.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Malala Yousafzai, Hamas, Boko Haram, RSF And The Ignored Brutilization Of Women

 Several years ago in a speech before the Canadian parliament, Malala condemned the killing of innocent people. She has yet to condemn the killing of innocent people, including girls and women inside of Israel on October 7 by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza. 

Perhaps she shares the belief that even civilians, babies, girls, women, defenseless people, are not considered innocent if certain political or religious narratives are asserted. 

Babies, civilians, girls, children, women, defenseless people of all ages, must never be the accepted target of terror and murder. No matter the political or religious narratives.

What Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others committed on October 7, murder, kidnapping, mutilations, all kinds of atrocities, are dismissed by many because the victims are mostly Israelis.

Do the lives of women and girls not matter to her if they are Jews?

In January of this year, in a speech to Muslim leaders from Muslim countries across the world, she implored them to speak out against the Taliban over its treatment of women and girls. 

Ironically, a number of the people in attendance represent countries where women and girls are brutally oppressed. They could care less about her condemnation of the Taliban for its treatment of women and girls, something they will do nothing about anyway, as long as all eyes and criticisms are kept away from their countries.

She then pandered to the crowd by calling out the tiny non Muslim majority country of the middle east and world that is their favorite punching bag. 

No mention of Hamas murdering, mutilating, wounding, kidnapping, burning alive, and other atrocities, thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel. Much of which was filmed by Hamas themselves. 

No mention that Hamas, assisted by UNRWA, Qatar and others, had turned the Gaza educational system into a Jew hating propaganda machine reminiscent of Hitler and Goebel.

No mention that Hamas wages war hiding behind and beneath civilians, including from civilian structures such as schools, universities, hospitals, mosques and so forth. 

No mention of the multi billion dollar Hamas terror tunnels below civilian structures from which to wage war, without Hamas having built a single bomb shelter above ground.

Moral courage is the courage not to just tell people the things they want to hear.

She missed the opportunity to speak not only for women and girls that happen to be Jewish, but also for Muslim women and girls across the world that are oppressed. This includes victims of child marriage, forced wearing of the hijab in Iran and elsewhere, and women, girls and religious minorities in general that are oppressed by brutal, violent men that believe religion gives them the right to do as they wish, no matter how evil, despicable and harmful.

She missed the opportunity to be a strong voice for the millions of people in the Sudan, including millions of women and girls, who are experiencing genocide, mass rape and murder. 

Instead, she pivoted to the popular, no matter how untrue, anti Israel narrative instead of the underlying reasons that countless women and girls all over the world, not just in Afghanistan, are living shortened lives filled with misery. Women and girls harmed by the same kind of terrorist organizations, the same kind of violent, brainwashed, fanatical men that are attracted to Hamas. Organizations like Al Shaabab, ISIS, Boko Haram, and many more. She said nothing about the brutal reality for millions of women in places like Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Central African Republic, North Nigeria, and in many more places. 

Demonizing Israel is what is popular. But it does nothing to help the many millions of girls and women victimed by brutal men and organizations that are no different than Hamas.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Hamas Is The World's Favorite Terrorist Organization

 There is a reason why one terrorist organization is celebrated, while many similar terrorist organizations are ignored. Ignored, that is, unless you happen to be one of the many unfortunates in their vicinity or in their crosshairs. 

There is ignored war and genocide in Sudan and in many parts of the world. 

Many people have been murdered, kidnapped, abused in the worse ways possible, including in North Nigeria by Boko Haram, Somalia and Kenya by Al Shaabab, in Mozambique by another Al Shaabab, in parts of Mindanao by Abu Sayaf, in South Thailand, in Yemen, in the Central African Republic, in Sudan by the RSF and Janjaweed, and in many places in the world.

There is always the same resounding silence. 

The secret to demented success for a terrorist organization, the way to win western hearts and minds backed by Qatari propaganda including through Qatari owned Al Jazeera, is to target, demonize and blame Jews and Israel.

There is more than enough of the diabolical hatred of Jews, a tiny religious/ethnic minority in the world, to ensure that if Jews are the target of terror, there will be celebration, approval, and not condemnation by countless millions, even billions of people. If Jews cannot be blamed for the suffering of the targets of terror that are not Jewish, then there is silence.

Hamas videotaped themselves murdering, kidnapping, desecrating bodies, setting people on fire, and committing other atrocities on October 7. Hamas started a war, using their multibillion-dollar terror tunnels to hide in while having built not a single bomb shelter for civilians above ground. Meanwhile Hamas leaders live in Qatar and elsewhere in extreme luxury with billions of dollars of pocketed aid money.

If there had been widespread condemnation of Hamas on October 7 and thereafter, instead of approval and celebration, perhaps the entire senseless war could have been averted. 

Instead, Hamas is the world's preferred terrorist organization. They do the same cowardly murdering, kidnapping, sexual abusing of defenseless people as do their religious or ideological soul mates Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, ISIS, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, RSF Janjaweed, Al Quada, and the others. They deliberately target and harm civilian populations.

War and terrorism are not the same. Casualties of war and murder are not the same. Hamas supporters try to conflate these words in their defense of Hamas, murder and terror.

Almost always unfortunately the only way to stop terrorist organizations is through war. They can rarely be stopped any other way.

The silence, the indifference, shown to the many killing fields all over the world by terrorist organizations, of which many are the religious and ideological soul mates of Hamas, ensures many more lives will be lost, many more people, including children, will suffer and die. 

 Hamas gets front and center attention and support.

The millions of victims of terror and terrorist organizations or regimes across the world, in the Sudan, Somalia, Mali, N. Nigeria, Yemen, N. Korea, Haiti, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Central African Republic, Lebanon, DRC, and many more places, will continue to suffer in silence, pain and misery, in that if Jews and Israel cannot be blamed, no one cares.