Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Darkside Of Qatar, Not Only For Jews

 The gas wealth that rests beneath the ground of Qatar has made it extremely wealthy. It enables Qatar to spread its religious intolerance and supremacism. There is no separation of religion and state in Qatar or the freedoms democracies in the west cherish.

In poor countries that follow the religious intolerance and beliefs of Qatar without the enormous wealth and cushion that Qatar enjoys by virtue of what is beneath Qatar's feet and that they do not have to work for, what Qatar offers is pure poison. Nothing but grinding poverty and misery for these countries. 

Qatar supports Hamas and wants others to wage war against Israel. Qatar exploits this war to gain converts. By demonizing Israel constantly, including through its Al-Jazeera propaganda media, Qatar is able to unite people behind its toxic beliefs.

Israel is Qatar's way of deflection. Everything is sunny in rich Qatar, far from the wars, poverty and misery it helps create all over the world. 

Qatar wants all eyes on Israel, not only to win converts to their beliefs, but also to keep all eyes away from Qatar itself

There is no scrutiny of the widespread exploitation and abuse of foreign workers in Qatar. 

Qataris live in luxury and laziness for many on the backs of exploited workers.

There is little to no scrutiny of the misery and toxicity that Qatar exports.

Qatar has Israel to ensure Qatar is never scrutinized.

Billionaire and multi-millionaire Hamas leaders live like kings in Qatar, far from the misery they and Qatar helped create in Gaza.

Meanwhile, useful idiot socialist minded youth in the west, funded by Qatar and other fat cat wealth, following in Hitler's footsteps, call for Israel's destruction, music to the ears of every murderous autocratic, theocratic, brutal, corrupt regime on the planet.  

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