Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ilhan Omar, Gaza But Not Somalia. Hamas And Al-Shabaab

Hamas and Al-Shabaab ideology and religious beliefs are similar, except Hamas has a special emphasis on killing Jews. This pathetically in and of itself has made Hamas the far more popular terrorist organization.

Al-Shabaab has torn Somalia apart. It is a major reason why Somalia continues to be one of the poorest nations in the world. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost in the many years of war in Somalia. Millions of people have been turned into refugees. Hunger, unemployment, underemployment, disease and poverty are rampant.

There is little to no interest in Somalia because there is no Israel to blame. The same applies for civilian casualties of war in that war torn, terror stricken nation.

Hamas, like Al-Shabaab, is a bloodthirsty terrorist organization that deliberately attacks, harms, murders and commits atrocities against civilians and defenseless people,

It is impossible to fight any war without incurring civilian casualties. It is especially impossible when the enemy uses civilians as human shields to hide behind and beneath, and when the enemy uses civilian buildings from which to wage war and terror, such as mosques, hospitals, medical clinics, schools, universities, apartment buildings, UN buildings,  and so forth. 

Hamas spent years building tunnels for themselves, while not spending a single penny on bomb shelters above ground for civilians. Hamas fat cat leaders live like kings in Qatar and elsewhere, far from the misery they and Qatar helped create.

It is easy to blame Israel for civilian casualties in Gaza, because that is what the anti-Israel mob wants to hear.

But the fact remains that anyone truly interested in the children and civilians of Gaza would demand that Hamas stop waging war and terror. 

There is no war in the world where there are no civilian casualties. There is no war in the world without heavy civilian casualties when the enemy on one side uses their own civilians as human shield

There is not a single person on the planet, including every single military expert, that has an answer on how to wage war against an enemy that hides behind and beneath civilians, using children and other civilians as human shields, without incurring the loss of civilian lives. 

Hamas wages war using civilians as their human shields. 

The effort to conflate casualties of war with murder strengthens terrorists like Hamas and harms civilians. Murder is a terrible evil that no decent, ethical, sane human supports or defends. War is a terrible evil but at times the only way to stop those that murder.

Ilhan Omar, if she cares about the children and civilians of Gaza, and the children and civilians of Somalia, must not play politics with their lives.

This includes a complete repudiation of Hamas and Al-Shabaab, and all of the other like minded terror organizations that are tearing this planet apart, including Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Abu Sayyaf, Al-Shabaab of Mozambique, RSF in Sudan, and the many others.

She knows full well what Hamas like Al-Shabaab is doing to Somalia. When the target of the terrorists are not Jews or Israelis, it must not mean silence for Somalia. Or crocodile political show tears for Gaza when those that fight the terrorists are Israeli.

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