Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their allies do not hide what this war is about. They believe the end time comes when the Jews are slaughtered. They believe killing Jews is a religious duty.
They believe that if they die while killing Jews, they die as martyrs that instantly go to heaven.
Hamas and company, in their words, in their writings, in their actions, including the Oct 7 massacre of defenseless people, including babies, make clear their hatred for Jews and that they will slaughter every Jew and Israeli they get their hands on.
Hating Jews or Israel is socially acceptable for the anti-Israel crowd as long as they make it about occupation, colonization or some other excuse to hide their hate. This does not change the fact that for Hamas and Islamic Jihad it is about religion.
If your neighbor is constantly trying to attack and murder you, at some point you will build fences and walls and make sure that they do not succeed. If Israel shrunk in size to no more than ten square miles, the war would still not end until even the tiniest in size Israel was destroyed. In the eyes of Israel's enemies, the despised Jew must not be allowed any country, no matter its size. How can their religion be supreme in their eyes if they cannot destroy even the small in number despised Jew, so they keep on trying.
Over 40,000 mostly women and children live in a guarded barbed wire encampment in Syria, guarded by Kurdish troops. They are the mostly women and children of ISIS. Are they imprisoned because of their hate and the danger they present, or are they helpless people being held in captivity because of forces external to themselves? They are kept in captivity because of the threat they pose. If Israelis, not Kurds were guarding them, the world would see it different and blame the Israelis for their being in an open-air prison. Because the Israelis are not involved, no one cares that they are kept imprisoned. If tomorrow Israelis replaced the Kurds, this would become an instant worldwide cause, and everyone would blame the Israelis and Jews for why the guarded camp exists and demand the immediate release of everyone inside of the camp.
Hamas is no different than ISIS. Hamas is treated differently than ISIS because Hamas targets Israelis and Jews, and far too many share their hatred.
Gaza needs to be freed from Hamas. The entire world needs to be liberated from the poisonous ideology and beliefs of Hamas and the many Hamas type organizations that have spread like cancer throughout the world, often with Qatari funding. Boko Haram, Al-Quada, Al-Shabaab, Abu Sayyaf, ADF in the Congo, Al-Shabaab in Mozambique, ISIS, Hezbollah, RSF in Sudan, and many more.
ISIS is not allowed to control territory as it once did.
But because Hamas targets Jews and Israelis, the world applauds this murderous cult and wants it to control territory in a way that it would never allow for ISIS.
Many want Hamas to remain in control of Gaza because they hate Jews as much as Hamas does, even though they hide this behind their pretend concern about genocide, occupation, or some other untrue reality.
Meanwhile, the real genocide taking place in the Sudan by Arab militias against indigenous black Muslims receives no concern, no attention, no protests whatsoever. Nor does anyone care about the many casualties of war and deliberate murdering of countless civilians, extreme poverty and famine raging throughout Yemen, much of the Sudan, Congo region, North Nigeria, Somalia, North Africa, Myanmar, and elsewhere.
And we all know why.
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