The United Nations ruled again against the only (small) country in the world that it accuses of human rights abuse. Meanwhile, those in favor of the vote against that one small country include nations that murder, ethnically cleanse, commit genocide, rape, torture, human rights abuse, and more. They commit crimes against humanity without any consequence, because they are something that the small country is not. They are Islamic nations.
This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The No Kill Movement's Contribution To Animal Suffering
The no kill movement focuses obsessively on an extraordinarily tiny number of dogs and cats that are mostly in shelters almost to the exclusion of everything else. Perhaps this is a way of avoiding larger, painful realities. Whatever the psychological motives, what is absent is true questioning regarding whether or not this movement has really helped animals. What is clear is that the animals killed to feed dogs and cats, including intelligent pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, goats, lambs, do not factor into their equation. If it did, no kill would be a term rendered meaningless. If dogs and cats were being fed to pigs and other animals, the outcry would be ear shattering
Regarding dogs and cats, the exclusive focus of their concern, it is worth asking, does this movement contribute or lessen animal cruelty? A strong argument can be made for how the no kill movement has contributed to animal cruelty for a multiplicity of reasons, including the following: 1. Trivializing cruelty by equating it with humane euthanasia. 2. Diverting resources, time and energy from far more critical issues facing animals, including animal cruelty. 3. Diverting resources, time and energy from other far more serious issues facing animals, including the decimation of wildlife and biodiversity collapse. 4. Diverting resources from human needs, including child welfare, and failing to realize that the more children suffer, the more likely all the living creatures in their lives are suffering. 4. Animal hoarders, a disease that often masquerades as a desire to "save" and "help" animals, have been served well by this movement, which often fails to distinguish between hoarding, filth, animal collecting, and the obsessive desire that no dog or cat gets euthanized, no matter how much the dog or cat suffers, and no matter how horrific the conditions in which they live. 5. Ignoring or pretending to be concerned about, real cruelty and suffering, while doing nothing to address and at least try to ameliorate real suffering. 6. Ignoring the filthy and horrific conditions in which many animals live in the obsessive focus that all that matters is that no dog or cat gets euthanized. 7. Ignoring the hundreds of millions of dogs and cats that live in the worst of conditions homeless on the streets all over the world, many suffering from excruciatingly painful diseases, including sarcoptic mange that causes slow, agonizing deaths. 8. Ignoring not only how these street dogs and cats suffer, but the ways in which they transmit disease not only to humans, but also to wildlife, including marine life. 9. Ignoring also the death and destruction domestic dogs and cats, and outdoor cats in particular, exact from wildlife. 10. The obsessive desire that dogs or cats not get euthanized can mean many dogs and cats are getting placed in homes or situations where there is not adequate care, or they are in fact being abused. 11. Ignoring the horrific conditions and suffering of animals, many in factory farms, that are raised and slaughtered to feed dogs and cats. No kill means some animal gets killed.
If the no kill movement is not a cult, no matter how large, no matter how widespread, no matter how emotional are many of its adherents and how important and good the movement makes them feel, then it for once needs to open itself up to critical examination. So far, it has inflicted far more harm upon animals than good.
Regarding dogs and cats, the exclusive focus of their concern, it is worth asking, does this movement contribute or lessen animal cruelty? A strong argument can be made for how the no kill movement has contributed to animal cruelty for a multiplicity of reasons, including the following: 1. Trivializing cruelty by equating it with humane euthanasia. 2. Diverting resources, time and energy from far more critical issues facing animals, including animal cruelty. 3. Diverting resources, time and energy from other far more serious issues facing animals, including the decimation of wildlife and biodiversity collapse. 4. Diverting resources from human needs, including child welfare, and failing to realize that the more children suffer, the more likely all the living creatures in their lives are suffering. 4. Animal hoarders, a disease that often masquerades as a desire to "save" and "help" animals, have been served well by this movement, which often fails to distinguish between hoarding, filth, animal collecting, and the obsessive desire that no dog or cat gets euthanized, no matter how much the dog or cat suffers, and no matter how horrific the conditions in which they live. 5. Ignoring or pretending to be concerned about, real cruelty and suffering, while doing nothing to address and at least try to ameliorate real suffering. 6. Ignoring the filthy and horrific conditions in which many animals live in the obsessive focus that all that matters is that no dog or cat gets euthanized. 7. Ignoring the hundreds of millions of dogs and cats that live in the worst of conditions homeless on the streets all over the world, many suffering from excruciatingly painful diseases, including sarcoptic mange that causes slow, agonizing deaths. 8. Ignoring not only how these street dogs and cats suffer, but the ways in which they transmit disease not only to humans, but also to wildlife, including marine life. 9. Ignoring also the death and destruction domestic dogs and cats, and outdoor cats in particular, exact from wildlife. 10. The obsessive desire that dogs or cats not get euthanized can mean many dogs and cats are getting placed in homes or situations where there is not adequate care, or they are in fact being abused. 11. Ignoring the horrific conditions and suffering of animals, many in factory farms, that are raised and slaughtered to feed dogs and cats. No kill means some animal gets killed.
If the no kill movement is not a cult, no matter how large, no matter how widespread, no matter how emotional are many of its adherents and how important and good the movement makes them feel, then it for once needs to open itself up to critical examination. So far, it has inflicted far more harm upon animals than good.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Chicago Is Not San Francisco; The No Kill Movement Has Abandoned The Dogs And Cats Of Chicago
Chicago has one of the lowest ratios of animal control officers to its population. Chicago, unlike San Francisco, has vast low income high crime areas where there are high levels of gang activity, drug dealing, violence, and when it comes to animals- strays on the streets, dogfighting and animal cruelty. The no kill movement likes to idealize San Francisco. Unlike Chicago, San Francisco does not have the aforementioned vast high crime areas where there are few resources, and where removing countless strays from the streets is not a priority.
Can the no kill movement make Chicago a no kill city? Sure, by doing what they do best. Ignoring, with a few exceptions, the high crime areas and focusing on appealing to the wealthy upscale citizens and neighborhoods that love to contribute to any cause that makes them feel good. But the reality is that thousands of dogs and cats suffer on the streets of Chicago, out of sight, out of mind. The no kill people might point out a token program in a high crime area, but the fact remains that Chicago, unlike most other cities, lacks the animal control officers necessarily to properly remove strays from the streets. Thousands upon thousands of dogs and cats die every year in Chicago on the streets, out of sight , out of mind. The no kill people like to point out lowered euthanasia rates as proof of their success, completely ignoring the unseen deaths and suffering.
What is better? That animals are removed from the streets and humanely euthanized or that they continue to be ignored, and die slow, painful deaths on the streets, thus allowing the no kill people and organizations to claim success?
To shallow, selfish people, success is measured by how good they feel. Not by making painful, difficult decisions, and by ignoring unpleasant realities.
Can the no kill movement make Chicago a no kill city? Sure, by doing what they do best. Ignoring, with a few exceptions, the high crime areas and focusing on appealing to the wealthy upscale citizens and neighborhoods that love to contribute to any cause that makes them feel good. But the reality is that thousands of dogs and cats suffer on the streets of Chicago, out of sight, out of mind. The no kill people might point out a token program in a high crime area, but the fact remains that Chicago, unlike most other cities, lacks the animal control officers necessarily to properly remove strays from the streets. Thousands upon thousands of dogs and cats die every year in Chicago on the streets, out of sight , out of mind. The no kill people like to point out lowered euthanasia rates as proof of their success, completely ignoring the unseen deaths and suffering.
What is better? That animals are removed from the streets and humanely euthanized or that they continue to be ignored, and die slow, painful deaths on the streets, thus allowing the no kill people and organizations to claim success?
To shallow, selfish people, success is measured by how good they feel. Not by making painful, difficult decisions, and by ignoring unpleasant realities.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
How And Where The Nonprofit (Charity) World Is Most Effectively Exploitative
From the time we are little, we are inundated with advertisements. Buy this, buy that...the little consumer becomes the big consumer. Our job is to buy, and all these companies are there to sell. No matter how lousy the product or service. And so, for example, many people drink soft drinks and eat junk food that rots out their teeth and gives them diabetes, obesity and other diseases. No human in their right mind that was not conditioned by all of these commercials would pay for much of the junk that we consume.
Marketing and advertising have turned many into uncritical, mindless blobs that not only accept, but gladly pay for things that are harmful.
In the academic world, people nitpick over inconsequential, petty minutia. In the real world, people unconditionally accept the worst of nonsense.
When we are thirsty, certain companies want us to think of them, and drink their poisonous crap. When we are hungry, certain companies want us to crave their garbage. For every human need, there is someone selling something, and a whole lot of the sellers are shysters.
When it comes to serious issues, we suspend critical thinking and assume that the organization presenting the issue or problem is also providing the solution. Whatever the issue, concern or problem, there is some organization that wants us to think of them.
Saving bats? No problem, there are organizations where you can send your money. Birds? Ditto. Dogs, cats, horses, cheetahs, chimpanzees, whales, dolphins ,rain forests oceans, third world street children; the list is endless.
The academic world - one of the few places with sufficient time and resources to critically examine unsubstantiated claims- spins its wheels in petty irrelevant minutiae. The rest of the world, too busy with lives, careers and other concerns, blindly accepts the commercials and marketing of the nonprofit world. And so, just as with sugary soft drink junk food garbage, we gladly consume and contribute to things that are often worthless at best, and more often harmful.
Much of the nonprofit world remains above reproach, above critical examination, especially in the arenas where the victim's lack voices, such as with animals, conservation, wildlife, birds, bats, chimpanzees, cheetahs, third world street children, dogs, cats, and much more.
What is the result? The result is that serious issues are often not properly addressed.
There is only the illusion that they are.
Marketing and advertising have turned many into uncritical, mindless blobs that not only accept, but gladly pay for things that are harmful.
In the academic world, people nitpick over inconsequential, petty minutia. In the real world, people unconditionally accept the worst of nonsense.
When we are thirsty, certain companies want us to think of them, and drink their poisonous crap. When we are hungry, certain companies want us to crave their garbage. For every human need, there is someone selling something, and a whole lot of the sellers are shysters.
When it comes to serious issues, we suspend critical thinking and assume that the organization presenting the issue or problem is also providing the solution. Whatever the issue, concern or problem, there is some organization that wants us to think of them.
Saving bats? No problem, there are organizations where you can send your money. Birds? Ditto. Dogs, cats, horses, cheetahs, chimpanzees, whales, dolphins ,rain forests oceans, third world street children; the list is endless.
The academic world - one of the few places with sufficient time and resources to critically examine unsubstantiated claims- spins its wheels in petty irrelevant minutiae. The rest of the world, too busy with lives, careers and other concerns, blindly accepts the commercials and marketing of the nonprofit world. And so, just as with sugary soft drink junk food garbage, we gladly consume and contribute to things that are often worthless at best, and more often harmful.
Much of the nonprofit world remains above reproach, above critical examination, especially in the arenas where the victim's lack voices, such as with animals, conservation, wildlife, birds, bats, chimpanzees, cheetahs, third world street children, dogs, cats, and much more.
What is the result? The result is that serious issues are often not properly addressed.
There is only the illusion that they are.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Death As The Penalty For Leaving Islam- A Pakistan/Saudi Story
A teenager from a tiny religious minority village in almost all Muslim Pakistan allegedly ran away from home, and at a neighboring Muslim village, converted to Islam. Some believe she was forced to convert, but let us assume it was voluntary. After she converted, she was not allowed to return home, despite her mother's heartbroken wishes. A fight ensued between the people from the two villages. The people from the minority religion village had to relent, otherwise they would have ended up crushed. The girl was not allowed to return home, even if that is what she wished. Because in fundamentalist Islam, as that practiced by many in Pakistan, and as propagated by Saudi Arabia, which has done everything it can to turn Pakistan(and other countries) into bastions of intolerance and bigotry, once a person becomes Muslim, the penalty is death if that person should ever decide to leave the religion. So the teenager, only 15, is now trapped, separated from her family and village, whether this was forced or by her own design. But even if she chose this, a fifteen year old should not be held responsible for something irrevocable and with death as a consequence for a change of heart. No religion should have death as a penalty for leaving the religion. That should be a basic human right.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
The Bigots Of Islam Are Spreading Their Hate
Most of the world has been conquered and colonized by either Islam or Christianity, the two most dominant, expansionist religions in the world. Christianity ceased to convert by the sword. Some elements of Islam still do. Islam can be a religion of peace, or it can be a religion of war. The basis for both can be found in the Quran. To pretend this duality- Islam as a religion of peace or Islam as a religion of war- does not exist is choosing to ignore reality. Anyone can read the Quran and see for himself. There are Muslims that choose to follow the messages of peace and tolerance, and there are Muslims that choose to follow the messages of violence and intolerance. What Muslims choose will determine the fate of this world. It is up to the Islamic world whether this world will see peace or remain washed in blood. A religion as widespread and as large as Islam has this power.
What is unfortunate is that the most aggressive, intolerant, violent, bigoted versions of Islam are being spread by the oil rich Islamic nations of the world, Iran on the Shia side, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others on the Sunni side. Oil has been a blessing to the world, but also a curse.
Most Muslims do not embrace violence, bigotry and intolerance, as taught and propagated by the oil rich Islamic nations. But these oil rich nations have been working hard to promote their violent, bigoted versions of Islam. They are crushing moderation in Islam, and turning Islam into a religion of bigotry, intolerance and fanaticism
If the bigots of Islam succeed in turning the rest of the Muslim world, such as the Islamic nations in Asia and in other places to their intolerant, hate filled versions of Islam, there will be no end to the wars and killing. This may mark the end for humanity.
What is unfortunate is that the most aggressive, intolerant, violent, bigoted versions of Islam are being spread by the oil rich Islamic nations of the world, Iran on the Shia side, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others on the Sunni side. Oil has been a blessing to the world, but also a curse.
Most Muslims do not embrace violence, bigotry and intolerance, as taught and propagated by the oil rich Islamic nations. But these oil rich nations have been working hard to promote their violent, bigoted versions of Islam. They are crushing moderation in Islam, and turning Islam into a religion of bigotry, intolerance and fanaticism
If the bigots of Islam succeed in turning the rest of the Muslim world, such as the Islamic nations in Asia and in other places to their intolerant, hate filled versions of Islam, there will be no end to the wars and killing. This may mark the end for humanity.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Trump, Clinton- Who Cares What You Think Of Each Other- Make This Election About Issues, Not Personality
Other than reasons why not to vote for their opponent, what is it that Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump have to offer? After almost 16 years of failed leadership, it would seem like the American people would not remain easy suckers for rhetoric and smooth talk. First there was Bush, utterly incompetent and eager to rush into wars, having learned nothing from the Vietnam war and having learned nothing from the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Then Obama, promising b.s. you can believe in. Two different presidents, but completely similar in their misunderstanding and inability to deal with the spread of Islamist violence, intolerance and brainwashing by countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar and others. Now there is genocide, as Christians, Yazidis, Muslims and others are being murdered and ethnically cleansed by Islamists.
We do not need to hear from one candidate or the other why their opponent is a piece of garbage. We need to hear what are their clear plans to address serious problems. Change you can believe in? How about straight talk for a change.
We do not need to hear from one candidate or the other why their opponent is a piece of garbage. We need to hear what are their clear plans to address serious problems. Change you can believe in? How about straight talk for a change.
Do Not Worry, Stay Delusional -The Fed And Financial Experts Know What They Are Doing
Is the federal reserve creating the seeds for the next financial crisis by its policy of keeping interest rates artificially low? What will be the long term effect of the massive purchase of debt, and the massive creation of debt? What will happen when interest rates do rise?
In what delusional world does the fed believe inflation is under control, one of their basic mandates? Rents and real estate are spinning out of control, as are medical costs. More and more incomes are spent on these basic needs, with little left over. How many people have no medical insurance or inadequate insurance plans with extremely high deductibles, ensuring that if they do get sick or injured, they will accumulate debt that they can never afford to pay back?
Other then inflate the stock market and housing, what has the fed accomplished?
Pensions, retirements, the economy, now depend on a stock market that has to keep going up. What happens when it no longer can?
Maybe the financial crisis of 2008 never was resolved, only pushed down the road.
Meanwhile, savers have been punished. The stock market is near its all time highs, with no one really understanding what is its true value. One expert insists it is overvalued, while another insists the opposite. But the one thing that is evident is that if it is a bubble, and if it pops, it will take down pensions, retirements, the whole economy.
Meanwhile, if there is some unforeseen political or economic crisis, what tools does the fed have left, now that interest rates are near zero?
So much of the U.S. economy is now based on producing nothing, and is instead based on servicing and moving around the wealth that already exists. Maybe it seems sustainable because no matter how bad things become, all that has to be done is print more money and keep interest rates artificially low, and keep on pushing the can down the road.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Bangladesh Blames Israel For Islamist Murder Spree
Recently a government official in Bangladesh blamed Israel for recent killings in Bangladesh by Islamists doing what Islamists do best- murdering defenseless people that do not agree with their demented points of view. Some were gruesome murders in which defenseless people were hacked to death by Islamists.
The Muslim world will never advance until it stops blaming others for the wrongs in their societies, and starts taking responsibility. It is an incredibly dysfunctional dynamic that inexplicably no one wants to challenge. Expect many more years of war, bloodshed and hardship unless this changes. Meanwhile, the world will continue to go after its one preferred scapegoat, which gives everyone an excuse to evade responsibility. The blood will continue to flow, because unless the scapegoat is involved, life to them and their apologists is unfortunately cheap and without value.
The Muslim world will never advance until it stops blaming others for the wrongs in their societies, and starts taking responsibility. It is an incredibly dysfunctional dynamic that inexplicably no one wants to challenge. Expect many more years of war, bloodshed and hardship unless this changes. Meanwhile, the world will continue to go after its one preferred scapegoat, which gives everyone an excuse to evade responsibility. The blood will continue to flow, because unless the scapegoat is involved, life to them and their apologists is unfortunately cheap and without value.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Jew Hatred And The Pursuit of Israel's Destruction Must Not Deter Israel From Pursuing Peace
Even though hatred for Jews is keeping the conflict with Israel alive, and that if Israel loses a war, genocide will result, this does not free Israel from doing everything reasonably possible to achieve peace with Palestinian Arabs and to act in the most humane way possible. The more that goodwill and bridges are built between Israelis and Arabs, the greater the possibility that there will be peace.
The Pathology That Keeps The Israel/Palestinian Arab Conflict From Being Resolved
The devotion to killing Jews is so ingrained in many societies that it makes it very difficult to achieve a peaceful resolution to the Israeli/Arab conflict. Too many people, too many children have been raised to hate Jews, which will translate into genocidal action if they ever get the chance. The only reason the Jews of Israel have not yet been slaughtered is because the Jews have an army and are able to fight back. They are no longer a defenseless, unarmed civilian population incapable of protecting themselves.
Jews in Christian Europe were persecuted for centuries, finally culminating in their mass extermination. Jews living in the Islamic world were treated better, but also experienced periods of persecution, which culminated in the ethnic cleansing of these Jews, when they were forced to flee to the newfound state of Israel. Unfortunately, Jew hatred is now rampant in the Islamic world and elsewhere, and the effort to kill Jews and destroy Israel is unrelenting. Significant resources and effort are devoted to accomplishing this end.
There are enormous problems in this world that threaten the very existence of all of humanity, and that have nothing to do with Jews. Does humanity continue to succumb to the seductive poisonous nectar of hating Jews and getting to ignore all else, even though this imperils their very existence, or does humanity finally evolve into moral, courageous beings that do not succumb to the cowardly need to have a scapegoat? If humanity can overcome its pathological hatreds, there still is a chance for it to save itself from the perils that threaten its existence, such as nuclear proliferation, the collapse of biodiversity, the poisoning and degradation of land and seas, and more.
If the conflict with Israel was about land, it could be resolved. Even if it were about bad conduct on the part of Israelis, or occupation, it could be resolved. But it is not about those things, even though people want to believe otherwise, and accept the untrue propaganda that this conflict is about the victimhood of one side and oppression by the other. What this conflict is really about is what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah, Qatar and many others make no bones about and openly declare in their words and display in their actions, both now and in the past - Jews must be exterminated and all of Israel must be destroyed.
The fact that European powers and many others willfully ignore this intent is truly criminal. Another person led a nation and made clear Jew killing was his goal, and by the time it was over, there was mass extermination, a holocaust, Europe lay in ruins, and over 50 million people were dead. Why anyone would want history to repeat itself is testament to the pathology of mankind, in which the need to hate and kill is greater than the desire to survive. Unlike the time of WW2, this is the age of weapons of mass extermination. There will be no point of return if the seductive poison of hate that many drink prevails. Not in this nuclear age. The leaders and masses of people eager to do slaughter, to commit genocide, if successful, will take this world into a dark place from which there is no return.
Jews in Christian Europe were persecuted for centuries, finally culminating in their mass extermination. Jews living in the Islamic world were treated better, but also experienced periods of persecution, which culminated in the ethnic cleansing of these Jews, when they were forced to flee to the newfound state of Israel. Unfortunately, Jew hatred is now rampant in the Islamic world and elsewhere, and the effort to kill Jews and destroy Israel is unrelenting. Significant resources and effort are devoted to accomplishing this end.
There are enormous problems in this world that threaten the very existence of all of humanity, and that have nothing to do with Jews. Does humanity continue to succumb to the seductive poisonous nectar of hating Jews and getting to ignore all else, even though this imperils their very existence, or does humanity finally evolve into moral, courageous beings that do not succumb to the cowardly need to have a scapegoat? If humanity can overcome its pathological hatreds, there still is a chance for it to save itself from the perils that threaten its existence, such as nuclear proliferation, the collapse of biodiversity, the poisoning and degradation of land and seas, and more.
If the conflict with Israel was about land, it could be resolved. Even if it were about bad conduct on the part of Israelis, or occupation, it could be resolved. But it is not about those things, even though people want to believe otherwise, and accept the untrue propaganda that this conflict is about the victimhood of one side and oppression by the other. What this conflict is really about is what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah, Qatar and many others make no bones about and openly declare in their words and display in their actions, both now and in the past - Jews must be exterminated and all of Israel must be destroyed.
The fact that European powers and many others willfully ignore this intent is truly criminal. Another person led a nation and made clear Jew killing was his goal, and by the time it was over, there was mass extermination, a holocaust, Europe lay in ruins, and over 50 million people were dead. Why anyone would want history to repeat itself is testament to the pathology of mankind, in which the need to hate and kill is greater than the desire to survive. Unlike the time of WW2, this is the age of weapons of mass extermination. There will be no point of return if the seductive poison of hate that many drink prevails. Not in this nuclear age. The leaders and masses of people eager to do slaughter, to commit genocide, if successful, will take this world into a dark place from which there is no return.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Donald Trump, Illegal Immigrants, And David- a Jew Hating Spoiled Crybaby
Real, honest, hard labor is what many people avoid. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, are grateful for work, no matter how hard and difficult. Honest labor should be respected, not demeaned and exploited, which is too often the case. If Americans were willing to work these hard jobs, there would not be millions of illegal immigrants inside of the United States. Instead of marginalizing these people, a pathway towards legitimacy should be established, and all immigrant enforcement efforts should focus on those who are here illegally and that are criminals or wish to do harm to the United States. Attacking illegal immigrants can be an easy way to fame and fortune, but even if all illegal immigrants are deported, crops that need to be hand picked will go to waste in the fields, and all the people living cushy lives might have to do real work for once in their lives. That includes a person we will call David,( he blames Jews for illegal immigration, claiming it is a Jewish plot to destroy the white race, while completely ignoring the real reasons that drive people to leave their countries for an uncertain future; reasons such as poverty, war, violence, political repression, collapsed economies, unemployment and no opportunities for a better future). This is a weak man that has spent a lifetime avoiding real work and making a fortune from Jew hating, Jew baiting. His trips to Iran to participate in the Jew bashing they like to do there are not cheap, but there are enough whiners looking for easy answers more than willing to fund this cowardly crybaby. Meanwhile, real work, real hard labor by illegal immigrants, continues to be performed daily and continues to keep the American economy moving along. To Mr. Trump, win the American people over by offering real programs, not by bashing a vulnerable population that actually works.
Israel's Conduct Is Used As The Excuse To Pursue Genocide Against The Jews And Israel's Destruction
There is no country in the world where allegedly bad conduct is the reason to want to destroy the entire country and murder its population. There are many people that oppose the policies and conduct of the American government, but only a lunatic calls for the destruction of the United States. When it comes to Israel, there is an eagerness to attack the conduct of the country, and use that as an excuse for seeking to destroy the entire nation. Opposing the policies and conduct of the Israeli government is a far different cry than seeking the destruction of the entire country. It is certainly reasonable to be against Israeli policies and conduct, yet support the right of the state of Israel to exist. There are many countries in the world guilty of conduct far worse than the worst of what Israel has to offer, and yet are immune from criticism, and certainly no one seeks the destruction of those nations and of the people of those nations. Even during WW2, the goal of the United States and its allies was the destruction of the Nazi regime, not the destruction or annihilation of the German people and an end to Germany itself. Israel stands alone as the only nation in the world in which conduct is used as the cover for the real goal of annihilation. When Israel became a state, Arabs drove out their Jewish populations and sent them fleeing for their lives to the state of Israel. The descendants of these Jews, who now form Israel's majority population, and all the Israeli people, have every right to their own safe homeland as Palestinian Arabs have to theirs. The goal to destroy Israel is nothing more than the determination to commit genocide against the Jewish people. So when someone hears about how horrible is the state of Israel, and therefore it must be destroyed, ask why no such is demand is made against the hundreds of countries that are guilty of far worse conduct and human rights violations. Anti semitism or Jew hatred is alive and well, and only a fool with a political or religious agenda pretends otherwise. Because if it were not, Israeli conduct, which should be critically examined, would not be used as the excuse to seek the complete destruction of the state.
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