Sunday, June 26, 2016

How And Where The Nonprofit (Charity) World Is Most Effectively Exploitative

From the time we are little, we are inundated with advertisements. Buy this, buy that...the little consumer becomes the big consumer. Our job is to buy, and all these companies are there to sell. No matter how lousy the product or service. And so, for example, many people drink soft drinks and eat junk food that rots out their teeth and gives them diabetes, obesity and other diseases. No human in their right mind that was not conditioned by all of these commercials would pay for much of the junk that we consume.
             Marketing and advertising have turned many into uncritical, mindless blobs that not only accept, but gladly pay for things that are harmful.
              In the academic world, people nitpick over inconsequential, petty minutia. In the real world, people unconditionally accept the worst of nonsense.
              When we are thirsty, certain companies want us to think of them, and drink their  poisonous crap. When we are hungry, certain companies want us to crave their garbage. For every human need, there is someone selling something, and a whole lot of the sellers are shysters.
               When it comes to serious issues, we suspend critical thinking and assume that the organization presenting the issue or problem is also providing the solution. Whatever the issue, concern or problem, there is some organization that wants us to think of them.
                 Saving bats? No problem, there are organizations where you can send your money. Birds? Ditto. Dogs, cats, horses, cheetahs, chimpanzees, whales, dolphins ,rain forests oceans, third world street children; the list is endless.
                  The academic world - one of the few places with sufficient time and resources to critically examine unsubstantiated claims- spins its wheels in petty irrelevant minutiae. The rest of the world, too busy with lives, careers and other concerns, blindly accepts the commercials and marketing of the nonprofit world.  And so, just as with sugary soft drink junk food garbage, we gladly consume and contribute to things that are often worthless at best, and more often harmful.
                    Much of the nonprofit world remains above reproach, above critical examination, especially in the arenas where the victim's lack voices, such as with animals, conservation, wildlife, birds, bats, chimpanzees, cheetahs, third world street children, dogs, cats, and much more.
                       What is the result? The result is that serious issues are often not properly addressed.
There is only the illusion that they are.

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