Sunday, June 12, 2016

Do Not Worry, Stay Delusional -The Fed And Financial Experts Know What They Are Doing

     Is the federal reserve creating the seeds for the next financial crisis by its policy of keeping interest rates artificially low? What will be the long term effect of the massive purchase of debt, and the massive creation of debt? What will happen when interest rates do rise?
     In what delusional world does the fed believe inflation is under control, one of their basic mandates? Rents and real estate are spinning out of control, as are medical costs. More and more incomes are spent on these basic needs, with little left over. How many people have no medical insurance or inadequate insurance plans with extremely high deductibles, ensuring that if they do get sick or injured, they will accumulate debt that they can never afford to pay back? 
      Other then inflate the stock market and housing, what has the fed accomplished?  
      Pensions, retirements, the economy, now depend on a stock market that has to keep going up. What happens when it no longer can? 
      Maybe the financial crisis of 2008 never was resolved, only pushed down the road.
      Meanwhile, savers have been punished.  The stock market is near its all time highs, with no one really understanding what is its true value. One expert insists it is overvalued, while another insists the opposite. But the one thing that is evident is that if it is a bubble, and if it pops, it will take down pensions, retirements, the whole economy. 
       Meanwhile, if there is some unforeseen political or economic crisis, what tools does the fed have left, now that interest rates are near zero?  
        So much of the U.S. economy is now based on producing nothing, and is instead based on servicing and moving around the wealth that already exists.  Maybe it seems sustainable because no matter how bad things become, all that has to be done is print more money and keep interest rates artificially low, and keep on pushing the can down the road.

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