Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bangladesh Blames Israel For Islamist Murder Spree

Recently a government official in Bangladesh blamed Israel for recent killings in Bangladesh by Islamists doing what Islamists do best- murdering defenseless people that do not agree with their demented points of view. Some were gruesome murders in which defenseless people were hacked to death by Islamists.
       The Muslim world will never advance until it stops blaming others for the wrongs in their societies, and starts taking responsibility.  It is an incredibly dysfunctional dynamic that inexplicably no one wants to challenge. Expect many more years of war, bloodshed and hardship unless this changes. Meanwhile, the world will continue to go after its one preferred scapegoat, which gives everyone an excuse to evade responsibility. The blood will continue to flow, because unless the scapegoat is involved, life to them and their apologists is unfortunately cheap and without value.

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