Thursday, June 2, 2016

Donald Trump, Illegal Immigrants, And David- a Jew Hating Spoiled Crybaby

Real, honest, hard labor is what many people avoid. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, are grateful for work, no matter how hard and difficult. Honest labor should be respected, not demeaned and exploited, which is too often the case. If Americans were willing to work these hard jobs, there would not be millions of illegal immigrants inside of the United States. Instead of marginalizing these people, a pathway towards legitimacy should be established, and all immigrant enforcement efforts should focus on those who are here illegally and that are criminals or wish to do harm to the United States. Attacking illegal immigrants can be an easy way to fame and fortune, but even if all illegal immigrants are deported, crops that need to be hand picked will go to waste in the fields, and all the people living cushy lives might have to do real work for once in their lives. That includes a person we will call David,( he blames Jews for illegal immigration, claiming it is a Jewish plot to destroy the white race, while completely ignoring the real reasons that drive people to leave their countries for an uncertain future; reasons such as poverty, war, violence, political repression, collapsed economies, unemployment and no opportunities for a better future). This is a weak man that has spent a lifetime avoiding real work and making a fortune from Jew hating, Jew baiting. His trips to Iran to participate in the Jew bashing they like to do there are not cheap, but there are enough whiners looking for easy answers more than willing to fund this cowardly crybaby. Meanwhile, real work, real hard labor by illegal immigrants, continues to be performed daily and continues to keep the American economy moving along. To Mr. Trump, win the American people over by offering real programs, not by bashing a vulnerable population that actually works.

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