Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Coffee And An Internet Conglomerate, Big Business Is Not Always Best

   An internet article published as a news story turned out to be nothing but a thinly veiled ad for a coffee conglomerate. The article gushed with enthusiasm for a drink that will be coming out soon for a limited time. Unfortunately, the lines between news and advertisements no longer seem to exist. For those that want to load up on heart unhealthy saturated fats and sugars, by all means get the drink.
   There was a time when independent coffee shops thrived. Why the public wanted to lose this to one large, uniform, uninteresting conglomerate is beyond comprehension. If only the far more interesting, independant, small time coffee shops would return.  Their coffee and tea was often better tasting at a better price.And they did not have the insufferable politics of the conglomerate that seems contrived and insincere.

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