Thursday, February 16, 2017

Enjoy Triclosan And Micro Plastic With Your Fish

     Studies show that plain soap and water is as effective, or more effective than soaps containing antibacterial agents. Triclosan, one widely used antibacterial agent, ends up contaminating water.  Many municipal water filtration and sewage treatment systems do not filter out triclosan and other antibacterial agents, including antibiotics. Over exposure to antibacterial agents lowers the body's natural ability to resist harmful bacteria. There are reasons super bacteria have emerged that resist treatment. Adding triclosan to the oceans and lakes of the world, on top of all the antibiotics and other medications, pesticides, non biodegradable plastic microbeads in cosmetics and other products (which do not get filtered out by municipal water treatment systems), mercury, dioxins, flame retardants, and other man made poisons, only increases the toxicity of the oceans and the inability of marine life to endure. The thousands of tons of plastics and other non biodegradable garbage that daily enters into the oceans already is an enormous threat that is ignored (much of the plastic breaks down into impossible to capture tiny particles that fish and other marine life consume). Reducing the unnecessary use of triclosan and other antibacterial agents, along with completely eliminating plastic microbeads in personal care, household and other products, is not an impossible task, and can be the start of a sincere, international effort (garbage, waste and harmful material knows no boundaries) to stop the poisoning and trashing of the world's waters and oceans.

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