Sunday, February 19, 2017

Religious Violence, Not Blasphemy, Is Criminal. Freedom; The Right To Criticize

   When a religion insists it is the only right religion for the entire world, and everyone that does not believe is doomed for hell, then why should that religion be free from criticism? People from a religion that tell other people they are wrong for believing in something different, and then get angry or violent when challenged, have no leg to stand on. No religion should be free from criticism and satire.
   There is a big difference between the people of a religion insisting only they are correct, and the people of a religion insisting that because they are correct, they therefore have the right to dominate, oppress, torment and kill. 
   Our technology evolved, but mankind never evolved. We are right back in the middle ages fighting religious wars, except now there are nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. The only way to fight back is to not capitulate to the demands of the religious bigots, brainwashed sheep, and tyrants. This means standing behind the principle that criticizing a religion is a basic human right, and is different than discriminating against the people of a religion because of what they believe. Furthermore, when the people of a religion insist only their religion is right, and everyone else is wrong, and that this gives them permission to act violently, than others have an obligation to respond, including by discussion, argument, criticism, and satire. 
   If this is construed to be blasphemy, then so be it. If we allow ourselves to be led down the road by religious fanatics, tyrants, and bigots, then we are no worse than these mindless sheep. The road they insist is the only path to God, Allah or a higher power, is nothing but a road to hell. 

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