Friday, February 24, 2017

Nuclear Weapons And Trump; What Might Be A New Pursuit Of Insanity

     It is reported that Trump wants to build up the United States nuclear weapons capacity, which may end up costing over a trillion dollars. Trump thinks he can negotiate a better nuclear arms deal with Russia than what was negotiated by the previous administration.
     This is not a game. There are more than enough nuclear weapons in the hands of Russia and the United States to destroy human life on this plant many times over. More overkill is not wise negotiating. It does not make the United States stronger. This does not fulfill Trump's promise of creating more jobs and "making America great again". It is nothing but a waste of money, and worse yet, increases the nuclear threat to human existence. It throws us back to the dark days of the Soviet vs American nuclear arms race, in which little children did senseless practice drills in schools by hiding under their desks during nuclear war drills.  There is no such thing as a winnable nuclear war. There is no such thing as being on top or the winner in a nuclear arms race. The radiation from nuclear weapons knows no boundaries. 

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