Sunday, December 24, 2017

Failure To Protect Oceans And Our Future From Plastic

In the video below, the garbage from one small coastal community located near the habitat of a highly endangered coastal dolphin species can be seen. Everyday worldwide, thousands of tons of plastics, styrofoam, oil based food wrappers and so forth pour into the oceans. Almost all of it breaks down into smaller pieces nearly impossible to capture that disperse throughout the oceans and that are virtually indestructible. Hardly any of it reaches the ocean garbage patches, where people foolishly imagine that technology can capture most of it. It is destroying wildlife, the health of the oceans, and is now consumed by humans in the water that we drink, in the air that we breathe, and in the food that we consume. This enormously understated threat to human health and existence is already causing the collapse of biodiversity and the death and suffering of millions of seabirds, turtles, dolphins, whales, fish and other wildlife. 

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