Monday, December 11, 2017

A Bakery And Racial Politics In Oberlin

       A small bakery in Oberlin, Ohio has been in the news. It was reported that the bakery is harmed financially from the fallout of an incident in which a store employee tried to stop a shoplifter that attends Oberlin College, and was then beaten for his effort. Three students from the college were arrested.
      Maybe because the lives of students and pampered professors at American colleges and universities are far too often one of self indulgence and hedonistic excess, a choice was made to turn a criminal incident into something it never as - a racial matter. College campuses are becoming notorious homes for social warrior hysteria, groupthink and mob rule
       Excusing, condoning, ignoring, explaining away or outright support for criminal and bad behavior is the surest way to guarantee an escalation of such behavior. 

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