Monday, December 4, 2017

New York Times: Pandering To Black Racism

      Recently the New York Times ran an editorial written by a black law professor about the racism he wants to teach his children. It is not worth the time or energy getting into the details about what this educated, privileged black law professor wrote. It is troubling enough that he is a professor influencing young people. It is even more troubling that the New York Times chose to give him a platform.
      White racism has for decades been the excuse to ignore or condone black racism. Black racists are no better than their white racist counterparts. They both teach ignorance. They both evade responsibility by blaming or scapegoating someone else. Even though they despise each other, often they have a shared hatred for the Jew - their favorite scapegoat and object of hate. One black racist leader that is a multimillionaire from a career of hatred, preaches black self reliance when in fact hate is a crutch that ensures reliance on him and his ignorant hate religion.
       Black racism contributes to dependency and failure. Rage, misguided and poorly directed anger and resentment are not recipes for success. Racism is a business that has made many a lazy white and black person rich.
       The whites that pander to black racism do so perhaps because it makes them feel self righteous. It makes them feel good about themselves for some perverted reason. It makes them feel like they are holier than those that do not share their corrosive beliefs. It also makes them look weak and foolish, but they are too self righteous to ever see that.
        A man that was badly bullied by blacks when he was a student related why his parents did not do anything - they believed blacks were victims and could do no wrong. Weak people will sacrifice even their own children in order to pander to their beliefs.
        The nonsense that only whites can be racist because of white privilege and the power that some whites hold is evasive garbage. Plenty of blacks are born to privilege, or have privilege handed to them. Plenty of whites are born to nothing. Some spoiled whites that are born with silver spoons in their mouths, including many white racist leaders, try to manipulate and speak for millions of whites  that do not have silver spoons in their mouths.
        There are many situations where blacks hold power over white and non black people, and where that power is abused. This includes in a number of schools and other institutions where poorly disciplined blacks terrorize weaker, less assertive whites, blacks and others. Often adults who should intervene do nothing out of fear or out of fear of being called racist. Other adults are incapable of any action other than patronizing those they see as downtrodden, even if this means tolerating abusive behavior.
        Standing up to bullies, standing up to racism, means standing up against all racists and bullies. This means not resisting one form of racism while pandering to another. Only weaklings, just like racists and other hate mongers, do that.

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