Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Self Indulgent Racism

       Black racists and those that pander to them use the tired excuse that only whites are privileged and only privileged people can be racist. This is an evasion of responsibility and self indulgent. Furthermore, not all whites are privileged and not all blacks are without privilege.
       In many third world countries many people live without running water, no access to clean water, without electricity, without homes, barely able to scrape together enough food to ward off starvation, without any dental or medical care, without any opportunity for an education, decent job or a better life. They do not luxuriate in hatreds. America, the land of  many spoiled people of all races, is luxuriating in hatred by far too many.                                                                                                                Racism in all its forms must be resisted. People should count the blessings that they have, do their best to make this world a better, more humane place, and stop devoting so much time and energy going at each other's' throats.

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