Thursday, February 22, 2018

Cops, Students, And Powerful Weapons

       There are cops that worked high crime areas that experienced being shot at not once but multiple times. Some were on the hit list of powerful street gangs. They gained the strong awareness that the difference between life or death, being crippled and disabled or not being crippled and disabled, can depend on what weapons criminals use.
        If someone desires chaos in the United States, such as a foreign government with hostile intentions, it makes all the sense in the world for them to support virtually unrestricted access for every lunatic, hate filled fanatic, and terrorist to get their hands on powerful weapons that can inflict mass casualties.
        It is in the interest of cops working high crime areas - it is in the interest of students and everyone that wants to be free- to not allow the desire of lunatics and fanatics to kill to trump their right to live.

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