Sunday, February 18, 2018

Right To Bear Arms Did Not Mean Making Mass Murder Easy

     Another mass shooting in the United States, and the usual response. Condolences, sympathy extended, calls for action, calls for mental health treatment, and in the end ...nothing.
     Politicians are too beholden to their special interests to do anything but tow their party line.
     When it comes to guns, the republican party is the party guilty of political correctness. The party line is that no gun is a bad gun... this is only a mental health issue. Conservative political correctness dictates to not deviate from this narrative.
      Many liberals are guilty of excusing violence provided it comes from people they consider downtrodden. They excuse or ignore all kinds of violence and bad behavior provided it comes from those they consider victims.
      Many conservatives may not be guilty of the pandering that many liberals do, but they do not mind arming every lunatic in the country.
       Every time there is a mass shooting and conservatives say it is not the time for politics, they are completely wrong. It is the time for politics, because if nothing changes, and so far nothing does, then all the country is doing is waiting for is the next shooting.
       When they say it is a mental health issue and not a gun issue, this is a deflection. People intent on killing are not the people eagerly seeking therapy for themselves. And therapy in and of itself is far overrated. It works for some, not for others, and rarely for those who are forced into it. Is every person in the United States that is thought to be unhinged going to be forced into therapy? Thereby taking away people's rights and forcing them into something that most likely will not work anyway?
        No one knows for sure if someone is a murdering lunatic or fanatic until after they committed the crime, or attempted to commit it.
        Despite Trump and others complaining that something should have been done about the 19 year old murdering lunatic, the fact remains that people cannot be arrested or detained for what is thought they might do in the future.
        Someone intent on murder may be difficult to stop, but making it easy for that person to murder as many people as possible is plain lunacy.
         Not all guns are created equal. Obtaining weapons that can inflict mass casualties, and the ease by which people can get these weapons, which includes lunatics, fanatics and terrorists, remains far too easy.
          Republicans want to make this a mental health issue, even though there is no way they are about to fund mental health treatment. They need to stop pretending this is not about guns. People have the right to bear arms. But that is a far different right then making it easy for every murderous lunatic, every hate filled fanatic, every terrorist, to get their hands on guns, especially powerful weapons that can quickly inflict mass casualties.


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