Saturday, February 10, 2018

Legalized Dog Fighting And Animal Cruelty Ends Hypocrisy

     Is there a single anti-domestic violence organization clamoring to be the responders and investigators for domestic violence? There is not, because they recognize that domestic violence is a crime that requires a law enforcement response. Name the crime, and it is a given that police are the ones responsible for acting against it.
     Animal cruelty and dog fighting are the exception. A number of animal organizations and so called animal activists know full well that by giving the perception they are doing something about these crimes, fame and fortune will follow. And so the years have passed in which these organizations and these activists have embarked on aggressive campaigns to be the go to place for all things animal cruelty related, no matter how ineffective, worthless or harmful are their programs and actions. Furthermore, decades have passed in which the public is fed the lie that an animal organization can adequately address animal cruelty related crimes, and that their array of self serving documentaries, programs, media events and so forth are about animals and not about themselves.
     They have completely failed, and even worse, have greatly harmed animals and the public good. Because animals cannot communicate the ineffectiveness and harm of human actions, these organizations continue their lucrative charade.
      It is unfortunate that there is the absence of scrutiny regarding efficacy when it comes to what takes place in the nonprofit world as it pertains to voiceless populations, be it domestic animals or wildlife.
      After lost decades in which a number of people and organizations have become greatly enriched by animal suffering, and in which there has been enormous unnecessary animal suffering as a result, it is time to stop pretending animal cruelty is a crime, and to finally treat it as a crime.
      Getting serious about animal cruelty means that only the police or public law enforcement responds to these crimes. No more animal abuse investigations by animal organizations. They have no business being the fourth rate, pretend substitutes for the police. Their actions are usually ineffective at best. Many are the times in which humane investigators have done nothing more than provide dog fighters and animal abusers a heads up warning and opportunity to move their animals to a new location. Their actions and the lack of advocacy by animal organizations and activists have allowed the police to do little to nothing about dog fighting and animal cruelty. (Small, against animal abuse teams fielded by a police department are nothing more than an ineffective bone thrown to so called animal activists and an excuse for larger law enforcement to continue to do little to nothing.)
       The only advocacy that animal organizations and so called animal activists should do, after years of shamelessly exploiting animal cruelty for their own gain, is to advocate that animal cruelty and dog fighting be treated as crimes. This means that these crimes get treated just like all the other crimes, especially crimes of violence - namely that the police and the police alone are responsible for their enforcement. No more phony advocacy programs that are worthless diversions. No more self serving documentaries. No more animal advocates using concern for animals as the pretense for lining their own pockets. Either get serious about dog fighting and animal cruelty, after years of exploiting these crimes, or stop being hypocrites and demand their legalization.

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