Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Abby Martin, Amy Goodman, Democracy Now But Not For Venezuela

   Venezuela is an example of how corrupt, power hungry people would rather see an entire nation crumble than relinquish their power. If these corrupt, power hungry people call themselves leftists or socialists, they can count on the backing of every reactionary force on the planet. North Korea, Iran,  and more. Many American and European leftists eagerly support any leader that is a murderer, as long as the murderer is anti Israel or anti United States. Will so called American leftists Abby Martin, Amy Goodman and many more, comfortable in their own homes and easy lives in the states, provide food and medicine to the starving people of Venezuela with the same eagerness by which they support Maduro and the other multimillionaire leaders of Venezuela?
    People are starving in Venezuela. They are fleeing the country in desperation by the millions. The only thing keeping the regime in power is the military. The military has the guns and other weapons. Even the common soldiers in the military do not support the regime. The generals and other high ranking military officers have a rare opportunity to make things right. Turn the government back to the people. Hold an election. Let the people decide if they want Maduro or Guaido.
    Everyone knows what the people will choose. It will not be the continuation of hunger, government detention, torture and murder.
    The leftists that support murder and oppression- as long as it is coming from the murderers and oppressors they support- pretend the U.S. is doing a coupe. Only a fool is blind to the desperation in Venezuela. The Venezuelan people are the ones that demand democracy and a fair and transparent election. They are the ones crying out for regime change.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

An Incomplete Guide To Jew Hating

     The Jew hater on the right wants Jews dead. The Jew hater on the left wants them dead if they live in Israel. Islamic jihadists and Islamic jihadist nations and organizations are split on this. Some want Jews dead no matter where they are. Some want them dead only if they are in Israel.
      Jew hating leftists and some Christian and Islamist Jew haters pretend to be progressive, so their out right antisemitism, or Jew hatred, must be disguised. Thus they call Jews living in Israel Zionists, and Zionists to them are fair game for murder. Instead of seeing Israelis as human beings, they reduce them to a word that for them means license to hate and kill. Or they insist that Israelis are not real Jews (as do some other Jew haters), and thus are fair game for extermination.
      Over 90 per cent of Iranian Jews have left Iran, with many living in Israel. In Iran, the tiny number of Jews living there are left alone so long as they stay in line (unlike the Bahia's, Christians and some other minorities that are persecuted). For Iran, an Iranian Jew living in Israel is no longer a Jew. He or she is magically turned into something different, a Zionist, and thus is a target for murder and destruction. Iran's puppet Hezbollah is not so generous. For them, Jews are subhuman and worthy of murder regardless if they are in Israel or not. There are many other demonic organizations, nations and people that actively seek the destruction of Jews.
      Added to the mix are some people that consider themselves Christians that hate Jews, yet do not hesitate to worship Jesus, a Jew, or to pay respect to Mary, a Jew, or to the first followers of Jesus, almost all of whom were Jewish.
      As long as human beings need a scapegoat, the Jew will be hated. As long as people need a target to hate, the Jew will be persecuted. As long as people are too weak minded to worry about their own lives, their own families, their own communities and countries, and instead need a target to hate and blame for everything, the Jew will be hated and persecuted.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Failure Of Ocean Cleanup Technology And The Good That Can Result

     An ambitious, expensive project to cleanup plastic from one of the great ocean garbage patches of the world failed. Hopefully the failure will be corrected, and the project will succeed. Every little bit  helps, but not if people keep allowing millions of pounds of plastic and other non biodegradable trash to continue entering the oceans daily.
     There is no technological miracle that will remove trash from the oceans or prevent more trash from entering. People are poisoning the oceans, which means they are poisoning the planet. Expecting a technology or any one organization to make a significant dent into the problem is plain fantasy. 
     The problem must be addressed on many different levels, including, but not limited to: 1. Reduce the use of synthetic materials in clothing and textiles. 2. End the use of non recyclable plastics and other non biodegradable oil based materials 3. Ensure all countries of the world, including the poorest, have proper waste management for removing and disposing of garbage. Plastic entering the oceans from a specific country does not remain confined to that country's waters. 4. Hold corporations and businesses, not just consumers, responsible for where plastics end up. 
      Far more effective than an expensive ocean cleanup technology, and far more effective than relying upon volunteers during volunteer ocean cleanup days, is to employ thousands, even millions of people in countries all over the world to remove plastic and other trash from coasts and other areas. This can be the largest antipoverty/environmental program the world has ever known. Employing people to clean up coasts and other areas will provide employment, thereby helping individuals, families and communities. It will result in the removal of far more plastic and other trash than any technology and volunteer effort could ever achieve. 
      Technology will not save the oceans. Only people, through their labor, grit, determination and will, can save the oceans. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

RT's Favorite Islamic Jihadist Apologist: Norman Finklestein

     Russian Television's (RT) favorite Islamic jihadist apologist, Norman Finkelestein, is everything RT likes. Fervently anti Israel, he serves the RT purpose of ensuring rage and fury is directed at Israel, never at Russia or  the Islamists and jihadists that keep this world engulfed in war and terror in their mindless pursuit of Islamic domination and conquest. Russia, meanwhile, is content to see the world burn, as long as it is not Russia itself that is burning. It supports every brutal dictator, every murderous regime, every murderous organization, as long as they are directed against U.S., not Russian interests. Meanwhile, when Muslims in Chechnya rebelled, Russia did not hesitate to destroy entire neighborhoods, block by block, killing thousands of civilians without any moral qualms.
     Russia keeps alive the brutal regimes in Venezuela, Iran, Syria, and elsewhere, as long as they serve Russian interests. It does not matter how much the people of those nations suffer. Russia operates without a moral compass.     
     RT is filled with a bunch of phony self righteous leftist and progressive stooges for the Russian regime. Finklestein serves RT well. For him, antisemitism is non existent. Antisemitism must be dismissed or ignored because acknowledging its existence might lead to sympathy for Israel, a nation he despises. He exploits the holocaust when it suites him but accuses others of exploiting it. He ignores the majority population of Israel- Jews from the middle east and North Africa - that experienced one of the world's largest, least known ethnic cleansing by Muslims.
     No matter what jihadists say and do, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Charlie Hebdo murderers, Finklestein excuses or justifies. Islamic jihadists like Hamas and Hezbollah are nothing but a bunch of peace loving boys scouts. He infantilizes and patronizes Palestinian Arabs and other Muslims, while ensuring that all things Israel are painted as demonic. He is RT's perfect anti Israel Islamic jihadist apologist.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Weak People Need for A Scapegoat; The Jew

       Weak people, weak nations, weak organizations need a scapegoat to blame for all their ills and problems. No matter what are the facts and reality, they find reasons to blame the scapegoat for everything that they find wrong and dislike. The Jew, the oldest historical scapegoat, remains the preferred scapegoat. It is near impossible to reason with scapegoaters.
       The scapegoater cannot stop their pathological hate, which too often goes unchallenged. Too many others are too timid and cowardly to stand up to them. And thus the vicious course of hate and weakness continues.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Corporations- Free To Destroy Oceans By Plastic

     Every time it seems that it cannot get any worse regarding humans poisoning and destroying the planet with plastics and other oil based non biodegradable contaminants, out comes more bad news. It is not enough that millions of pounds of plastics and other oil based non biodegradable contaminants enter the oceans daily. Now it turns out that billions of nurdles, small pieces of plastic used to produce plastic products, are lost every year from the production and supply chain, ending up in rivers, lakes and the oceans.
      Much of the plastic destroying the lands and oceans are plastic products that cannot be recycled. And even much of the plastic that can be recycled continues to pour into the oceans daily. In 1969, at the first national conference on packaging waste held in California, it was decided that the consumer was responsible for where plastic waste ends up, not the manufacturers, fabricators and distributors of plastic.
      Many corporations, some of which are extremely wealthy, do not bear the true cost of what they produce, fabricate and distribute. The public at large does. The corporations get rich, and humanity and the environment suffers. Now that wildlife is dying the world over from plastic, now that the oceans are being destroyed, now that human health is adversely affected, will the producers, fabricators and distributors of plastic products finally be held accountable?

8 Important Steps to Stop Ocean Destruction By Plastic

   This is an important, not all inclusive list.
       1.  No plastic should be produced that is not recyclable.
       2.  Proper waste management must become a global concern. Plastic and other non biodegradable waste pours into the oceans from many countries that lack proper waste removal and disposal. Countries lacking resources for proper waste management must be helped before the oceans are completely destroyed.
       3.  Thousands, even millions of disadvantaged people must be employed worldwide to remove plastic and other trash from coastlines and elsewhere. This can be the largest antipoverty/environmental project the world has ever known.
       4.  There must be penalties for companies that lose their plastic nurdles and other plastic materials into the environment.
       5.  Finding alternatives to plastic and other oil based materials must become a high priority.
       6. Recycling must become a far more serious effort than it is now. There must be penalties and fines for noncompliance, no matter if the noncompliance comes from individuals, businesses or corporations.
       7. Companies that use, manufacture or fabricate plastic or other oil based materials must be held responsible for where their materials end up.
        8. Oil based non biodegradable materials in clothing(polyester, acrylic, nylon,spandex,etc.,) release hundreds of thousands, even millions of fibers when washed and cleaned. The use of  synthetic (damaging to the oceans and other waterways) materials must be reduced, or even better yet, stopped.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Prisoner To Bad Religion

    There are serious ecological problems that threaten the very survival of the human race. It is not possible to keep poisoning the oceans and lands with plastics and a myriad of other life choking trash and contaminants and expect humans to thrive. It is not possible to have continued ecological degradation combined with an exploding human population and expect a bright future for humanity. It is only a matter of time before humans destroy themselves either from nuclear weapons or from destroying the environment beyond repair.
     Yet rather than face the destruction we are bringing upon ourselves, many people could care less. Religion does not help when it enables people to ignore the realities of this world. It is okay to destroy earth and each other, many believe, because there is a better world after life on this one.
     Respecting religions must not include uncritical acceptance of destructive religious beliefs and impulses. We cannot have religious wars and expect to survive. Religions should not exist to perpetuate themselves and remain forever untouched and unreformed, no matter how much harm and evil they cause.
     We cannot be married to failed beliefs and ideologies from centuries past, believing that they hold the answer for present times. They do not.
      Faith and religion are not one and the same. When religion promotes bigotry, supremacy, intolerance, hate, and violence, it should be resisted. Religion should exist to help people be better human beings; kinder, more compassionate and braver. It should not be turning people into a bunch of hate filled violent fanatics.


Friday, January 11, 2019

Political, Economic and Religious Authorities That Keep Millions In Poverty and Desperation

      There are many countries where regardless of how bright, talented, and capable a person might be, they are condemned to a life of grinding poverty, unemployment or underemployment and low wages. A small number of extremely rich people control virtually everything. Almost the entire rest of the population lives in poverty or near to it.
       The political, religious and economic structures in place support the continuation of mass poverty and wasted lives. 
        Grueling poverty, wasted talent, no opportunity, drives many to do anything they can to escape the countries of their birth. No matter how many escape, nothing changes. The political, economic and religious powers that rule put their own interests and pocketbooks first. They may feign concern and throw some crumbs to the poor, but they are the very forces keeping people downtrodden.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

War, Jihad And Armed Struggle Condemns Children To Die

The people that support armed violence, war, struggle, resistance and conflict, never failing to justify their calls to violence, bear responsibility for civilian casualties on all sides.

Caring About Arab Children Means Not Supporting Islamic Jihadists: Israel/Palestine

     If someone really cares about Palestinian Arab children, then they will seek peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. They will not support dehumanizing and delegitimizing Jews. They will not support the continuation of war, violence, terror, armed struggle, jihad and martyrdom, which has led to nothing but displacement, poverty, death, maiming and misery. The Jews of Israel are human beings, not a Zionist entity to be wiped out.
     There are many Jew haters in the world that want nothing more than another genocide against Jews. They want this conflict inflamed and resolved only through the murder and ethnic cleansing of Israel's Jewish population. Most Arab Muslim and other Muslim countries already got rid of their Jews, sending many of them fleeing for their lives to what is now Israel (where they and their descendents now form the majority population of Israel). Their rights and claims are no less legitimate than the rights and claims of Palestinian Arabs.
      Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Islamic Jihad and many other Islamic jihadist nations and organizations want the complete destruction of Israel. Their pursuit of Jewish genocide has caused the death of countless children, both Israeli and Arab. The adults that want war and jihad are condemning children to death and maiming.
        There is no way out from this conflict except through peace, compromise and mutual acceptance. Unfortunately, this is the last thing Islamic jihadists and their Jew hating followers want. It is disingenuous to call for war, armed struggle and violence and then complain when children are the casualties. War in and of itself is a crime against humanity, and children especially are its victims.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Dogfighting: Common Occurring Crime Rarely Enforced

     There is no excuse for a commonly occurring crime to be rarely enforced. Such is the case for dogfighting. This will never change until the people and organizations that claim to be against dogfighting find this unacceptable. (Animal cruelty in other forms are also commonly occurring crimes that are minimally enforced.) Anti drunk driving and anti domestic violence organizations would never accept the rare enforcement of drunk driving and domestic violence.
      Dogfighters have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than ever getting arrested. Why this pathology persists is a story unto itself. If drunk drivers and domestic violence offenders were treated the same as dogfighters, drunk drivers and domestic violence offenders would have nothing to fear. The few times they would get arrested would be newsworthy. The enforcement of commonly occurring crimes should never be so rare that it is newsworthy. Are the people and organizations that claim to help animals capable of the self reflection and change necessary to ensure that this is no longer so? Or will greed and selfishness prevail that renders change impossible? More decades should not pass in which there is the continued proliferation of people and organizations that profess concern about dogfighting while dogfighters themselves remain virtually untouched.
        For those organizations and individuals truly interested in fighting against dog fighting, the roadmap to having thousands upon thousands of dogfighters arrested, with untold numbers of animals removed from the dogfighters and other abusers, is not complicated, and can be achieved. If there is a continued lack of interest or will to do anything more than little to nothing, then dogfighting will remain alive and well. And so will so much misery and suffering that could easily have been stopped.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Pursue Religious War And Let The Garbage Flow

     In this messed up world, choking on garbage (with millions of pounds of plastic and other non biodegradable trash entering the oceans daily) and environmental destruction, many people would rather focus on their idiotic religious and ethnic conflicts. Every excuse in the book is used to justify war and killing. Millions of people are determined to kill whoever stands in the way of the spread of their religion. If they succeed, and the whole world turns into mindless sheep following their religion and their version of God, earth will truly be hell.