Friday, January 25, 2019

Failure Of Ocean Cleanup Technology And The Good That Can Result

     An ambitious, expensive project to cleanup plastic from one of the great ocean garbage patches of the world failed. Hopefully the failure will be corrected, and the project will succeed. Every little bit  helps, but not if people keep allowing millions of pounds of plastic and other non biodegradable trash to continue entering the oceans daily.
     There is no technological miracle that will remove trash from the oceans or prevent more trash from entering. People are poisoning the oceans, which means they are poisoning the planet. Expecting a technology or any one organization to make a significant dent into the problem is plain fantasy. 
     The problem must be addressed on many different levels, including, but not limited to: 1. Reduce the use of synthetic materials in clothing and textiles. 2. End the use of non recyclable plastics and other non biodegradable oil based materials 3. Ensure all countries of the world, including the poorest, have proper waste management for removing and disposing of garbage. Plastic entering the oceans from a specific country does not remain confined to that country's waters. 4. Hold corporations and businesses, not just consumers, responsible for where plastics end up. 
      Far more effective than an expensive ocean cleanup technology, and far more effective than relying upon volunteers during volunteer ocean cleanup days, is to employ thousands, even millions of people in countries all over the world to remove plastic and other trash from coasts and other areas. This can be the largest antipoverty/environmental program the world has ever known. Employing people to clean up coasts and other areas will provide employment, thereby helping individuals, families and communities. It will result in the removal of far more plastic and other trash than any technology and volunteer effort could ever achieve. 
      Technology will not save the oceans. Only people, through their labor, grit, determination and will, can save the oceans. 

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