Tuesday, January 29, 2019

An Incomplete Guide To Jew Hating

     The Jew hater on the right wants Jews dead. The Jew hater on the left wants them dead if they live in Israel. Islamic jihadists and Islamic jihadist nations and organizations are split on this. Some want Jews dead no matter where they are. Some want them dead only if they are in Israel.
      Jew hating leftists and some Christian and Islamist Jew haters pretend to be progressive, so their out right antisemitism, or Jew hatred, must be disguised. Thus they call Jews living in Israel Zionists, and Zionists to them are fair game for murder. Instead of seeing Israelis as human beings, they reduce them to a word that for them means license to hate and kill. Or they insist that Israelis are not real Jews (as do some other Jew haters), and thus are fair game for extermination.
      Over 90 per cent of Iranian Jews have left Iran, with many living in Israel. In Iran, the tiny number of Jews living there are left alone so long as they stay in line (unlike the Bahia's, Christians and some other minorities that are persecuted). For Iran, an Iranian Jew living in Israel is no longer a Jew. He or she is magically turned into something different, a Zionist, and thus is a target for murder and destruction. Iran's puppet Hezbollah is not so generous. For them, Jews are subhuman and worthy of murder regardless if they are in Israel or not. There are many other demonic organizations, nations and people that actively seek the destruction of Jews.
      Added to the mix are some people that consider themselves Christians that hate Jews, yet do not hesitate to worship Jesus, a Jew, or to pay respect to Mary, a Jew, or to the first followers of Jesus, almost all of whom were Jewish.
      As long as human beings need a scapegoat, the Jew will be hated. As long as people need a target to hate, the Jew will be persecuted. As long as people are too weak minded to worry about their own lives, their own families, their own communities and countries, and instead need a target to hate and blame for everything, the Jew will be hated and persecuted.

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